Imagine if you heard this on the news:
Five Supreme Court Justices just ruled
Viagra is illegal and against God’s will.
Old men shouldn’t defy God with a pill.
Accept God’s plan for your soft schlong.
God does not want geezers to get it on.
To Hell with science, do as you are told!
Pederast priests want kids to bend over.
No abortion means no boner pills either!
“Be Best”, Melania Trump, you skeezer.
Perverted conservatives, horny & mean –
Donald Trump’s mushroom shaped thing.
Melania says “Don’t Cry For Me, Slovenia”.
It’s why disgusting Donald grabs vaginas.
Republicans are pro-cocaine orgy liars!
Madison Cawthorn humped a guy’s face.
Buck naked in bed, skull f**king his head,
Cawthorn & his cousin committed incest.
Hey GOP Greedy Old Perverts, “Be Best!”
Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA
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