Damn, Herschel Walker is dumb as Hell.
“Did he play football without a helmet?”
Is what Jimmy Kimmel asked rhetorically.
So now it’s time for the rest of the story…
Hare-brained Herschel Walker loves guns!
Whack job Walker is wasting GOP funds.
Like he was a waste of Vikings draft picks.
Herschel Walker will lose because he’s sick.
Sick in the head with severe head injuries,
Why not be a Republican senator, naturally!
GOP has become the party of the too dumb,
Look at what Rapepublicans have become.
Forcing victims of religious rape and incest
To have that Republican pedophile’s child?
Inbreeding all the while Deep South style.
Go back to Texas, Walker. You will lose, fool.
Then Herschel & Trump will blame the Jews.

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA
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