WAR CRIMES against Humanity

Putin and Trump.

Both conducted -(SMO)-Special Military Operations that required- BOOTS on the GROUND.

Both attacked Nations Capitals with violence, both came close to WELL PLANNED OBJECTIVES.

They support each other 100%, Putin miscalculated, but went ahead with his attack on Ukraine anyways.

If Trump was President- Ukraine’s desperation would be magnified 100-fold.

America is at GRAVE RISK because a delusional psychopathic (former President) puts himself above all else.

Ukraine is at risk because Putin won’t admit his original flawed planning FAILED.

FASCIST dots connect- to corrupt, powerful elements willingly to trade “your freedom” for their control.

An unqualified grifter (Trump couldn’t pass a basic military SECURITY CLEARANCE) being allowed as Presidential candidate- points to ABJECT SYSTEM FAILURE.

What could possibly go RIGHT?

Trump was promoted as “TIP of the SPEAR” for an agenda of destruction by powerful influencers that gave him a “get out of jail card” no matter what he does.

Trump’s strategy team appointed a corrupt Supreme Court he wears as personal body armor- the evangelical Court does his bidding- he does theirs.

Current events speak for themselves.
Trump perpetuates crimes in broad daylight with impunity- as a private citizen- ABOVE EVERY LAW. Nationalist MAFIA, RIGHT?

Trump never disavowed Putin’s agenda; both continue THREATENING America (the entire World) in 2024.

What’s obvious – both Trump and Putin should be in prison for WAR CRIMES against humanity- Trump for premeditated murder in our Nation’s Capital, Putin for premeditated murder of an entire nation.

John V Thomas
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