Gotta Go

FBI Arrests Jack (OG) Teixeira

A member of Teixeia’s “DISCORD” chat group described Jack as a modern day- “RIGHT WINGER”

This “chat friend” recorded an exclusive Washington Post interview saying (21-year-old Jack) was sympathetic to Waco and Ruby Ridge conflicts- OG harbors “antigovernment” RAGE.

Chat friend said “OG-loved God, shooting guns, and was the leader of their group”. Considered a “tight knit family”- they called themselves “THUG SHAKER CENTRAL”. (Not Boy Scouts).

Chat friend said OG wanted followers- “fit, with God, well- armed… stuff like that”

Chat friend- “Jack was very smart; knew this was ILLEGAL”. Chat bud reported OG “wanted friends to be super soldiers”-just like him!

Other Kids remember Jack in high school, reporting Teixeira was a racist who (the day after a school shooting in Los Vegas) wore a shirt with an AR-15 print in class, he wasn’t trusted- (for good reason).

Chat friend said “OG was a charismatic young man” (Charles Manson)

Teixeia proudly recorded video at a shooting range “yelling racial and antisemitic slurs with a very large gun” before blasting more high caliber ammo down range. (like Jesus)

Jack: EXACTLY the RIGHT- WINGER- evangelical churches, turn out every Sunday, after prayer breakfast collection plate is passed.

FASCIST MAGA types listen to RIGHT-WING (24 hour) HATE RADIO (all day)- year after year after year… and Normal Americans wonder “where do all these fascist lunatics come from?

OG- Ohmy Gawd. T&P- Thoughts & Prayers. RA- Racist/Assholes. GG- Gotta Go.

John V Thomas
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