Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is the first politician to throw her hat in the ring to become a vice presidential running mate.
Second-term Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has become the first politician to throw her hat in the ring to become the vice presidential running mate for the eventual presidential nominee of the Republican Party. Greene made her unexpected announcement on Saturday, May 27, which was Greene’s 49th birthday. She noted that the Peach Tree Dish, invented in 1887, was first made on May 27 as well and was named in her home state’s honor.

She said that she is “actively angling for acceptance” by former President Donald J. Trump, who is vigorously pursuing the nomination for a second term. Asked if she would voluntarily cede her position in the House of Representatives, Greene replied that while the U.S. Constitution bars citizens from holding the positions of vice president and congressman simultaneously, he or she may in fact run for both offices at the same time. During this interview, Greene made a number of position statements on the issues of the day:
On abortion and the availability of the so-called chemical abortion pill, Greene came out strongly against both. “I believe in forced birth,” she stated bluntly, adding that she also believed in forced sex, forced labor, forced feeding, and “force in general.” Sex and birth, she said, “are the province of the male. The male is stronger, and he makes the rules!”
On gun rights, she sided generally with the NRA and other firearms proponents. For example, she supports Georgia’s “stand your ground” or “Castle Doctrine,” which allows those confronted with aggression or danger to actively resist, even with lethal force. “The only thing I’d change about castle doctrine,” she stated, “is the 21-foot rule,” which precludes victims from returning aggression to perpetrators who are more than 21 feet from the victim. “I would make it, say, a quarter of a mile.” When asked if she thought she’d get much support for such a change across the nation, she replied, “I don’t see why not. At a quarter of a mile, you can still wing a perp that you know is up to no good. It’s not too far, provided you’re using a decent scope.”
When Taylor Green was reminded of the recent spate of shootings at schools, grocery stores, synagogues, and taverns, she said, “The only answer to a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.” Asked to elaborate, she replied, “There are plenty of CRT teachers and black janitors and cafeteria workers in the schools who aren’t very busy and should be armed. And at Robb,” she went on, referencing the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, where 21 people, mostly Hispanic, perished, “I would call that a good start. They probably all came across Biden’s open border in caravans six months ago, anyway.” She added that Antifa and BLM were rumored to be behind the “recent unpleasantness” in the Lone Star State.
MTG gained recent notoriety for being targeted, along with Congresspersons Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL), with criticism from an organization known as the Mission Democracy PAC. When questioned about their possible motives, Greene remarked, “I haven’t got a clue. In truth, I favor the missionary position, given the alternatives. It’s easier on the knees,” she added.
Greene defended her record as a legislator, calling to mind HR 8731, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act,” which she co-sponsored. The PCIA, among other things, makes it a felony to offer gender affirming care to minors, and it forbids educators from providing information on such treatment. Critics have denounced this legislation as an attempt to “erase” transsexuals and LGBTQ individuals from American society. When confronted with this opinion, Greene replied, “So, what is your question?” Greene went on to say that she also agrees with radical LGBTQ intervention therapy, horse whipping, chattel slavery, and the summary execution of House rivals Tlaib, Omar, and Ocasio-Cortez.
When questioned on foreign policy, Greene admitted she has little practical experience but added that she is “a quick learner” and that she is even willing to buy a computer and get on the internet in order to facilitate her self-instruction. She said that she generally doesn’t support foreign assistance, preferring instead to devote “American resources to Americans, and not to shithole countries like Puerto Rico, Guam, and California.” She has been somewhat active in foreign relations legislation, she noted, in her capacity as a member of the House, promoting the Old Glory Only Act, which would prevent American embassies from displaying “Faggot flags and all that rainbow shit.” At this point, Greene purposefully glanced at her Michael Jackson watch and said she needed to wrap up the interview.
And what would she hope to accomplish as vice president, which has few enumerated duties? As president of the Senate and one of the most prominent elected Republicans, Green said she would push for a “national divorce,” or the separation of blue states from red states. She advocates a five-year disenfranchisement of residents of blue states who move to red states, where, she said, she would make same-sex bathrooms illegal, even in private residences.
When asked to participate in a lightning round of questions and responses, she said maybe next time, provided that 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl asks the queries.
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