High on the HAWG.
No sheltering SHIP WRECKED citizens from- MAGA’s dilapidated, Supreme Court docket- to Hell.
Hammered bent, CROOKED-nails
Decrepit, ROTTEN, planks.
Clarence Thomas sets sale on “YET” another tropical vacation.
Chief Justice Roberts, (and millionaire wife Jane) plead- radio SILENCE.
Robert’s attorney wife- -another slick costumed, DC jewelry pawn broker.
Brokering attorneys, arguing favors- before “hubbies” Supreme Court bobbles.
Millionaires? Clarence followed his beak -straight up Crows assets.
Friend for life- Billionaire HARLAN CROW- pooped out “little Clarence Wannabe”.
Appointment for life, prestige, lifetime health care, pensions- ZERO accountability, yachts, private jets, luxury vacations PLUS- unaccountable bribes for WHITE WHALE WIFES.
Don’t worry folks- Wannabe (Captain) Clarence- harpooned “other” MAGA, FEDERALIST, FRIENDS- who shovel GOLD, and the POPES NOSE onto silver entitlement platters.
Stinks of complicity.
Harlan…never a “single thanks” in return… (Afterall)- Master Crow is filthy rich.
Skeletons in Crow’s KKKloset.
Crow’s- Hitler’s gallery includes NAZI linen closets.
Massa Crow NEVER referred to Thomas OR his lunatic evangelical wife as- “Step & Fetchitt, while they polished his jack boots.
Crow purchased SC employees their very own “legacy plantation”, Ginni planted BWHMA- (Brain Washed Hand Maiden Academy).
Clarence’s chronic tax miscalculations¬= High Cotton.
Thomas plantation…Where… pesky notions like “SEPERATION of CHURCH and STATE” … get hung out to lie.
Picnic- under ye ol Confederate “hangin tree”-
Salute- Jim Crows battle flag collection-
Shop- Justice Roberts wife’s reform school yard sale… (Buy- yourself a slave- era- ball and chain).
Priced to sell Y’all …down river.
Republican Justice…Absent without leave-
- A Zinger from Bangladesh - August 15, 2024
- Healing Divides with Love: Slavic Matchmaking - August 15, 2024
- A Radical Plan to Defeat a Radical Takeover Attempt - July 19, 2024