Just in case y’all have not yet heard this yet
Because the mainstream media must regret
Not having made a real issue of this before
Donald Trump thinks his daughter is a whore!
Ivanka is a great “piece of ass…
6-feet tall…”
And you know he said “If I wasn’t her father”
Doesn’t that bother you “Christians” at all?
Trump incest is OK in the sick GOP of today
Because Donald is their abusive daddy now
And Rapepublicans must not make him mad
Then perv Trump will only do something bad
John Kelly said he “is a very, very evil man”.
Tell us things about Trump we don’t know!
Because we always knew Trump is a psycho
Who no doubt molested Ivanka
long ago…
Jeffrey Epstein killed himself? What bullshit!
You know damn well pedophile Trump did it.
So there’s one trial we will never get to see
Perv Trump guilty of incest in
New York City
You know Jeffrey Epstein was Trump’s pimp
Trump bought the Miss Teen Universe thing
As part of Trump & Epstein’s pedophile ring
Disgusting Donald Trump is a piece of shit!
Lorena Bobbitt told Ivanka to go cut off it
And toss that little mushroom to the side
It won’t be much longer before Donald dies.
Trump is old, obese, and often high on speed
“Stand back & stand by” let time do the deed

Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA
P.S. — You can find out more about me and my widely published writings by clicking on the link:
- A Zinger from Bangladesh - August 15, 2024
- Healing Divides with Love: Slavic Matchmaking - August 15, 2024
- A Radical Plan to Defeat a Radical Takeover Attempt - July 19, 2024