Damn! Did you see Mitch McConnell freeze?
That old 81-year-old asshole from Kentucky
Looks like a classic MK-Ultra acid casualty
Manson Family Mitch, a cat has your tongue!
Was McConnell brainwashed when young?
Moscow Mitch is a Manchurian Candidate.
If the velvety voiced Frank Sinatra were alive
Sinatra would surely have something to say
Like “Get that moron Mitch off of the stage!”
Mental midget Mitch recently had a great fall
And ended up looking beat up big time, y’all!
Who holds the puppet strings on sick Mitch?
Jews with space lasers? Or a Russian bitch?
Or his Chinese Republican wife, old Elaine?
Called “Coco Chow”, by Trump who is insane
Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA
P.S. — You can find out more about me and my widely published writings by clicking on the link:
- A Zinger from Bangladesh - August 15, 2024
- Healing Divides with Love: Slavic Matchmaking - August 15, 2024
- A Radical Plan to Defeat a Radical Takeover Attempt - July 19, 2024