While in Office, Trump told VP Mike Pence he was ‘too honest’! See who else in history was honest too!
Top 15: Who else in history was’ Too Honest’?
15. PINOCCHIO told his father, Geppeto… ‘YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ – but clearly you whittlers know nothing about a boy in puberty‘!
14. MOBY DICK told Little Richard… ‘YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ – but you’re gonna need a smaller Jock Strap’!
Some of these you’ll get on the way home! That’s right, ‘Jaws”!
13. LUDWIG VON BEETHOVEN told 50 Cent…’YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ & clearly underpaid’!
12. MARY TODD LINCOLN told Abe…’YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ – now go tell the neighbors were busy this Saturday’!
11. HITLER told Eva Braun…’You know what – ‘YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ & your Weiner Schnitzel sucks too’! ‘Sorry baby, having a bad decade’!
10. ZORRO told Lefty, the Pastrami Slicer at Canter’s Deli…’YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ but thanks to you, now I’m a Vegan’!
9. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE told ‘Murray, the Hack’…”THOU ART TOO HONEST’, but I’m still gonna steal that corny Balcony Scene’!
8. STORMY DANIELS told her ‘Personal Brassiere Fitter’ …’I do not need a Z Cup – ‘YOU’RE TOO DAMN HONEST’!
You can scroll down now! haha
7. ALEXANDER THE GREAT told his brother, Ralph The Bastard… ‘Hey, I’M TOO HONEST TOO’ – but Mommy loves me best’!
6. QUASIMODO told the ‘1831 Scrabble Champion’…’YOU’RE TOO HONEST’, but could I interest you in a few ‘E’s’ that just fell off the back of my wagon’?
5. ADAM told G-d…’YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ but you never had ‘a 5 Year Plan’! You can’t just leave me with that woman’!
4. EVE told Steve…’YOU’RE WAY TOO HONEST’! Oh, what the hell – Nobody’s Perfect’!
3. MRS. JACK SMITH told her husband… ‘YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ but I’m jealous! A Ms. Liberty called twice & you’re working late at the office again’!
2. JACK SMITH told the Mrs…’YOU’RE WAY TOO HONEST & impatient! It’s ‘THE TRIAL OF THE CENTURY’! Buy that’?
#1 And not a moment too soon, who else in history was ‘too honest’ …
VLADIMIR PUTIN told Donald Trump…’YOU’RE TOO HONEST’ – they don’t appreciate! So come, come! We got Wodka, Pretty Women & Cot in Dog House’!