Wherein our intrepid talk radio show host interviews CNN host Wolf Blitzer.
Live from under a rock in your backyard, it’s The Jerry Duncan Show.
Good morning listeners nationwide. Is it a good morning? Yes, it is. Today on the show my guest is leading American television journalist and CNN host of The Situation Room Wolf Blintzes.

It’s pronounced Blitzer.
Whatever, Blintzes, Blitzer. Let’s get this interview started.
(wolf howling sound) a-oooooo, a-oooooo.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Howl who?
Howl you know unless you open the door.
You’re 75 years old. Born and raised in the woods on the outskirts of Buffalo, New York.
Yes. I was the inspiration for the movie Teen Wolf. My facial hair, teeth. I was even more screwed up after my old man tried to blow down the house of the Three Little Pigs. He huffed and puffed. Then dropped dead.
Wow. You could die of a heart attack.
Oh, no. I’m in great health. I eat right and exercise on the treadmill every day for five miles. By the way, it wouldn’t hurt you to lose a few pounds, Duncan. It’ pretty bad when you have to use GPS to find your feet.
I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, Sponge Bob Square Pants.
So how did you get started in your career?
I took various writing jobs in the 70’s. Did that for almost twenty years before joining CNN in 1990. Covered the Gulf War in Kuwait and was a White House correspondent.
I always wondered. Why is there a helicopter outside of the White House?
Because it won’t fit inside.
Now you host The Situation Room.
Yep. Been doing it since 2005.
You’re smart. Can you help me answer some fan mail?
Jerry reads the letters.
Dear Jerry,
I’m living with my younger sister in dad’s house. I’m a 22-year-old male and want to move out. I’ve been looking for a roommate online, but my sister insists we should live together. Everybody thinks this is a good idea. Here’s the problem. She has a hair-trigger temper that she unleashes on me. The other day she accused me of wearing her dress. Last week, she said I went to the moon without telling her. I’m at wits end. What should I do?
Your sister is a mental case. Where’s your dad? Is he living under a rock? Your sister can not live with you under any circumstance. I suggest she find a job where she can focus on the positive. Like a Cheerios counter. Or perhaps stamping M&M on the candies when they come down the conveyor belt. She would then be a multitasker…wasting time and being unproductive.
Dear Jerry,
I work with this guy “Carl” who is my age. Very friendly and down to earth. He’s had a girlfriend for four years. I feel guilty because “Carl” is having an affair with a woman here at work. She’s ten years older. He says he would never cross the line, but this woman tells stories about their rendezvous. Do you think I should find out the address of his girlfriend and tell her?
Let it go. It’s none of your business. I remember my friend called me a cheater when I was single. I would have never done something like that to Cathy, Susan, Tiffany, or Darlene.
Dear Jerry,
Our cat is going to have kittens. My wife and I disagree on whether our boy Tommy who is age four should witness the event. He is intelligent, but how can I explain to him where babies come from?
I suggest you have a chat with Tommy. He could teach you about the birds and the bees.
Dear Jerry,
I am a 33-year old single woman. Throughout my childhood, my mother was controlling in many ways. She dressed me in ridiculous outfits that I found humiliating. It affected my mental health, which resulted in me hating the way I look. I’ve been through multiple eating disorders and had plastic surgery five years ago. I can’t look at my mother without resentment. What should I do?
Break off the relationship with your mother. I will put you in your car trunk and help people look for you. If that doesn’t work, place yourself up for adoption.
Wolf Blitzer everyone. See you tomorrow.
The Jerry Duncan Show
(c) Dean B. Kaner
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