Dispatches from SNN (Slobovian News Network)
Suit filed against former movie hero asks 72 million dollars in damages.
SNN smut correspondent Downe Inda Gutter reports that like such celebs as Bill Cosby, Vin Diesel and others, past dalliances are having legal ramifications for Western movie hero Quick Draw McGraw.

McGraw’s leading lady in his 1959 epic western film Masked for Trouble has filed both criminal and civil charges against the cowboy hero for an incident that happened during the filming of the picture. The actress Sagebrush Sally states that McGraw made unwanted advances, put his arm around her, kissed her and put his hoof under her skirt.
She said that she complained to the film’s producers Hanna-Barbera, but they made light of the incident.
Mr. McGraw stated that he didn’t remember the incident, but that at one time he consoled Sagebrush Sally after she had a nasty breakup with her boyfriend outlaw Dinky Dalton. He also stated that Sagebrush Sally at one time or another dated all the Dalton boys — Dinky, Dirty, Dangerous, Detestable, Desperate, Despicable and Dastardly — and also had a well-reported tryst with movie star Huckleberry Hound.
Sagebrush Sally has hired famed Women’s Rights attorney Gloria Allred and Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump. She is seeking 72 million dollars in damages.
Mr. McGraw is currently in Guadahoocha, filming his next movie, The Return of El Kabong.
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SNN Words to Live By
“Inka dinka Doo.” — Comedian Jimmy Durante.
“Bop Till You Drop.” — Musician Ry Cooder.
“New York is nothing but a rat race… and the rats are winning.” — Oliver Douglas (Eddie Albert), Green Acres 1960’s TV series.
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