Petition: M​​A​G​A Movement (Multicultural Americans’ Goodwill Alliance)

A new petition for the “M​​A​G​A Movement” has been posted online and is looking for signers. No, not that MAGA, but “Multicultural Americans’ Goodwill Alliance” — a worthy cause.

Petition: M​​A​G​A Movement (Multicultural Americans' Goodwill Alliance)The petition states:

Regarding the current state of affairs marked by mounting intergroup intolerance, friction, and sometimes violence, the United States of America is at an inflection approaching a flashpoint as the November general elections near…

With whispers of civil war, secession, and armed organized hate widely circulating it is time for we citizens of goodwill, everyday decent folk, to restate our embrace of the ideal that from many cultures we are one nation under God universally entitled to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness who equitably share our citizenship franchise.

We are speaking as America’s majority voice.

We must not allow a vociferous minority with counter-Democratic intentions dictate the fate of the nation whose trajectory in recent decades had been toward becoming a more perfect union. 

Read more and sign the petition here.

See political memes created by petition author Regi Taylor here on the Humor Times site here.

Regi Taylor