Through evolution, we became Homo sapiens, but what if…
Through evolution, we became Homo sapiens.
But what if we were the descendants of lizards, like geckos? We might evolve into Gecko sapiens.

That would be so cool.
We could have the superpower to walk (or crawl) on walls.
Although our skin would look different, we couldn’t eliminate inequalities in racial discrimination, because we wouldn’t all look the same.
There are colors in geckos, too.
What might be really cool is that there would be no handicapped individuals in our world.
If we lost our limbs or tails, we could grow them back, Just like lizard tails.
Our world and our lifestyle would be very different.
However, it would be a huge loss for prosthetic and bionic companies.
Perhaps the powerful elites would eventually come up with a plan to stop the regeneration in us Gecko sapiens,
Or they might plan a holocaust to keep this gift for themselves.
The desire to gain control and the power to rule would still exist.
On this Earth and in this timeline, we are still PEOPLE (Homo sapiens).
Here, we cannot REGENERATE; we can only DEGENERATE.
Inspiration: Aphorisms for Our Age with Dr. Shashi Tharoor, The Aphorisms of Franz Kafka.
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