Folks just can’t stop talking about Paul Ryan’s speech last night, which, according to many, was riddled with inaccuracies and outright lies. One person, who studies prophetical writings, claims she may be able to clarify where Ryan was coming from when he told such whoppers as:
• President Obama was responsible for shutting down a GM plan in Janesville, when it was actually shut down on George Bush’s watch.
• President Obama caused the downgrade of the US credit rating when, in fact, it was the Republicans who refused to budge on raising the debt ceiling until the 11th hour that forced the hand of Standard & Poor’s to take the unprecedented step of taking away our AAA rating.
• President Obama took $716 billion dollars from the Medicare plan when, in fact, what he did was reform the way providers and hospitals are paid so as to actually put more money into the Medicare system, a plan which Ryan himself endorses.
Mary Windwalker, a Native American scholar from Eastern New Mexico University at Roswell says that she has found evidence that inextricably weaves Paul Ryan’s persona into that of the Nowhere Man character portrayed in John Lennon’s song of the same title.
“When you have someone from Fox News calling Ryan’s speech (or Ryan himself possibly) dazzling, deceiving and distracting, and then go back and look over the lyrics of John Lennon’s song, there is a strong possibility that John Lennon was a modern-day prophet who foresaw someone like Paul Ryan actually entering the world stage at some time in the future, leading him to pen Nowhere Man,” said Windwalker.
Asked if Lennon’s lyrics are more suited toward Mitt Romney and not Ryan, Windwalker replied “You certainly have a valid point there; however, what sets Romney and Ryan apart is the fact that Paul Ryan actually does have a plan, which fits perfectly into the last line of Nowhere Man, which reads ‘Making all his nowhere plans for nobody.’”
Windwalker added, “I find it even more convincing when you consider the fact that Lennon sang the last refrain three times.”