Trump did not specify what kind of vegetable Biden might actually be.
Let’s be perfectly clear. Vegetables should be valued and nourished for helping us maintain a healthy body. This truism comes even as Donald Trump claims President Joe Biden is now almost a dead body. In fact, he has become a vegetable, he says.

During his recent interview with X social media owner Elon Musk, who some would call a rotten tomato, Trump didn’t specify what kind of vegetable Biden might actually be. That’s a shame because some vegetables are better than others.
Judging by his haggard appearance lately, Trump might need to improve his diet. Instead of his favorite New York strip steak slathered with ketchup, cherry vanilla ice cream and diet coke, a doctor might suggest Trump try eating a few vegetables himself. This, despite the fact that Trump says “I am much better looking” than Vice President Kamala Harris.
Obviously obsessed by his looks and hers, Trump claimed that a recent drawing of the Democratic Party presidential candidate on the cover of Time Magazine made her look better than she actually appears. Trump said Harris’s looks would undermine her when talking with other world leaders. Those leaders, he contended, would view her as a “play toy,” although Trump didn’t explain further what that meant exactly.
Trump told Musk that Biden was “close to vegetable stage.” That infers the President is so mentally or physically impaired that he’s barely sentient and should be put in assisted living. Or worse.
The former president said he “looked at (Biden) on the beach and wondered “why would anybody allow him” to be there. “The guy could barely walk. Does he have a political advisor that thinks this looks good?” Trump continued that “you know he can’t lift the chair,” ostensibly meaning a beach chair. “The chair weighs about 3 ounces. It’s meant for children and old people to lift, and he couldn’t lift it.”
If Trump thinks Biden has become, as he put it, a “brain-dead zombie,” and shouldn’t be allowed on the beach, or in fact anywhere else in public, where exactly should this so-called vegetable be allowed to exist before it gets rotten? In a vegetable garden? In the supermarket’s produce department next to all the carrots and kumquats, some of which are almost as orange as Trump?
Now that Biden, who Trump considers a turkey, has become a lame duck, perhaps Trump should try that dish for dinner sometime instead of his usual strip steak. That’s even if duck doesn’t go all that well with ketchup. Also, if Trump is spending all his time compulsively watching Biden on the beach turn into a vegetable, Trump’s supporters might legitimately ask shouldn’t he instead be out doing more campaigning in front of those crowds he falsely says are larger than what Harris draws?
Trump contrasted how he himself is “a very stable genius,” to Biden’s cognitive abilities having sunk to the level of a bell pepper.
Biden “has a low IQ, very low IQ. He had a low IQ 30 years ago, by the way, but now he might not even have an IQ at all,” said Trump. Meanwhile, the ex-president boasted that “throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.”
Trump may call himself brilliant. But others call him something else. In the opinion of mental health experts, a person like Trump who constantly praises himself might be considered a narcissist. Someone with a sense of grandiosity, a continuous desire for admiration, and suffering from arrogance and fantasies of unlimited power and success.
With anybody else, a person might be hesitant to hurl insult after insult at Biden the way Trump does because it would come off sounding bitter, mean, petty, or just plain dumb. But Trump said, “I’m entitled to personal attacks.” Sounding like a Frank Sinatra song, Trump added that “I have to do it my way.”
To be frank, if Trump keeps going that way talking and acting so crazy, to paraphrase the lyrics of that Sinatra song, his end might be near to the point he’s facing the final curtain.
Supposedly, Sinatra actually hated his signature song, “My Way.” He called it self-serving and self-indulgent. Did we ever hear someone say the same thing about Donald Trump?
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