Trump believes every presidential wannabe must ace a candidate test: one his team created.
Several weeks ago at the National Association of Black Journalists’ annual convention, former President Donald Trump suggested every presidential wannabe should pass a cognitive “candidate test” to qualify for the White House. The staff at the Humor Times got our hands on a rubric for Trump’s test.

This is what we found:
Question #1: Is your name Donald Trump?
Yes or false?
The correct answer is yes, because only Donald Trump has the right to be President of the United States.
Question #2: Did Donald Trump win the 2020 presidential election?
Yes or false?
The correct answer is yes, because Donald Trump did win the 2020 election.
Question #3: Is Donald Trump a convicted felon?
Yes or false?
The correct answer is false, because the Democrats manipulated the judicial system to wrongfully convict Donald Trump on trumped-up charges. Thus, Donald Trump is not truly a felon.
Question #4: Is Donald Trump the greatest President in American history?
Yes or false?
The correct answer is yes. While Abraham Lincoln was the greatest President prior to Donald Trump, President Trump surpassed Lincoln’s presidency by having the greatest first term in the White House that the world has ever seen.
Question #5: Should abortion be banned without exceptions nationwide?
Yes or false?
The correct answer is yes, because America is the greatest Christian nation in the world, and thus should abide by the Bible and prosecute those who choose to sin by indulging in reproductive freedom.
Question #6: Should the executive office be given the title of Supreme Leader of the United States?
Yes or false?
The correct answer is yes, because Project 2025 demonstrates the importance of removing all other American institutions, meaning no other government position should have power. Thus, the President should instead assume the role of dictator.
Question #7: Should the January 6th patriots be pardoned?
Yes or false?
The correct answer is yes, because it was a peaceful protest and an exercise of free speech that caused no harm.
Donald Trump claims to have already aced this exam numerous times. But how did you do on the presidential exam? If you scored a 7 out of 7, you have the right to be President of the United States.
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