Watch your tight-lipped neighbors gravitate to their own comfort food debate snacks on Harris/Trump Debate Day!
But before you sit down with your neighbors breaking bread & crockery – you have to have a big spread of debate snacks. And, I’m here to help.
Well, not me – I didn’t make the snack list – The Washington Bureau of “I’ll take-the-heat-off-you” did!
First, you have to have a little bit of everything since you don’t know for sure what your neighbor’s political leanings are!
That’s right – your block still believes in not talking about Sex, Politics or Religion.
Which I approve of 100% – especially the ‘Sex’ part because last night was a big blur & I don’t know who the hell he was! haha
Here are the snack suggestions for the perfect ‘Debate Watch Party’ – but don’t blame me if the crowd gets wise to the satire & your china starts flying.
While holding your ravenous dog back, watch them gravitate to their own comfort food table!
Oh, I forgot – just spoons! NO knives & forks!
I like a lively get-together as the next one, but I suggest 2 Separate Buffet Tables & just in case he shows up – 1 Small End Table!
Don’t forget to have fun & no wagering! And, PLEASE VOTE in November!
- Cheato’s
- Jerk Chicken
- Devil Dogs
- Ding Dongs
- Cheese Balls
- Assorted Nuts
- Edible Documents
- Sour Grapes
- Pulled Pork Sliders (or what Melania calls, ‘I have a headache’!) haha
- Oh yeah & MOONSHINE!
- Kalama Olives
- Grit(s) & Gravitas
- Everything Bagel
- Creamed Corn
- Corn Fritters
- Corn on the Cob
- Cobb Salad
- Jimmy Crack Corn
- Damn – a CORNUCOPIA of Corn!
- Bear Chips
- Roadkill
- And, Tequila with Worm!