Signs Your Doctor Graduated at the Bottom of His Class

your doctor
Hopefully not your doctor. Photo: Bugeater,, CC BY 2.0.
  • Your doctor uses Craigslist as a source for donor organs.
  • Instead of having an antiseptic smell, the office has a provolone smell.
  • Your psychiatrist wears a white coat . . . covered in blood.
  • The diploma on the wall is from PlaySkool University and is written in red crayon.
  • When dispensing medication, uses the “one for you, two for me” system.
  • Other doctors won’t play golf with him. Only dentists.
  • Believes in the healing powers of chili dogs.
  • Constantly confuses oral and rectal thermometers.
  • Often mentions “former” patients.
  • Bookcase includes a copy of “Doctoring for Dummies.”
  • Listens to your heart with two soup cans on a string.
  • The office is so small that the waiting room is the pizzeria next door.
  • The model skeleton in the office is assembled incorrectly.
  • Asks if you could recommend any good patients.
  • When 4 out of 5 doctors agree, your doctor is always fifth.
  • Will often ask the nurse, “Is it supposed to look like that?”
  • Has a defense fund.


Ed O'Neill