New poll numbers may be Trump’s Wet Dream, but there are other ‘counts’ that are funnier!
For example, check out these ‘poll numbers’:
TRUMP’S RALLY COUNT – Always, always off by 100,000!
And the rest is my little Obsessive/Compulsive problem:
- SPERM COUNT – of course that would be my 1st one! haha
- HEAD COUNT – 165 Million U.S. Males times 2!
- ORGASM COUNT – Infinitude, Dude! And, some even without Batteries!
- BODY COUNT – I don’t know. The last orgy I went to I was too busy at ‘Coat Check’ to notice!
- PILL COUNT – Damn – I dated a Pharmacist once & he gave me exactly 3 kisses!
- McDONALD’S HAMBURGER COUNT – I think I had the 1st one!
- CALORIE COUNT – I had to get an Accountant after I found out I’m in a Higher Calorie Bracket!
- SPARERIB COUNT – Chinese restaurants never give you more than 5 – no matter how many Quarters you tip!
- SHRIMP COUNT – Larry David’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” is the funniest on this subject!
- SHEEP COUNT – Never works for me – I’m too busy thinking about their Dry Cleaning Bill!
- CHICKEN NUGGET COUNT – Ingredients unknown, but can be tested at The Mayo Clinic!
- STAR COUNT – Look down & notice you were just Pickpocked!
- BLESSINGS COUNT – You can’t get enough of them!
- BLOOD COUNT – Count Dracula doesn’t count!
- CARD COUNT – Too much trouble! I just spill my drink & grab someone’s chips!
- COOKIE COUNT – If you’re into this, you’re not eating them fast enough!
- STEPS COUNT – ‘The Statue of Liberty’ BEATS ‘Eiffel Tower’ 354 to 300 steps & then a lift to the top. And, that’s where I left my Lunch!
- ‘LIKES’ COUNT – A measure of a man or a mouse!
- FACEBOOK FRIENDS COUNT – A true measure of your acquaintances!
- SNEEZE COUNT – When I watch a person having multiple sneezes I also diagnose!
- 1 Sneeze: DUST
- 2 Sneezes: PEPPER
- 3 Sneezes/Peed also: ‘CAT LADY’
- 4 Sneezes: ORGASM
- 5 Sneezes: YOU’RE JUST WEIRD!
And, ‘SWEAR JAR’ COUNT – Ask me after the Election!
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