“A Chicken in Every Pot” was a catchy slogan back in the day – but so is the orgasmic mouth-watering comfort food bacon in a BLT!
No one can deny what the best ingredient is in a BLT. Whether you buy it at Target, Piggly Wiggly or in a Dark Alley – you better bring home the bacon!
Don’t knock it, I paid just $1.29 in a dark alley – and I have the skinned knees to prove it! haha
Presidential campaigner, Donald Trump latched onto ‘Bacon Prices’ to scare consumers into voting for him & it worked!
“Bacon is thru the roof,” Trump bellowed at a press conference surrounded by some of his favorite foods. And he got to say that ‘Bacon is 5 times more today’ than when he was President – which ‘Fact Checkers’ said is totally untrue – but he got it into millions of ears.
You say, why would Trump lie about a little thing like bacon? Because he figures if you believe him about the small things – you’d also believe him when he said anything else. It’s in the ‘Con Playbook,’ line 436!
Why did he zero in on these innocent slices of heaven? Because the economists say Bacon is ‘a Staple Food’ for many. The average American eats 18 pounds of bacon annually. Unfortunately, I know exactly where that 18 pounds is!
I figure the only reason you’d stay away from this ‘Salt Lick’ is for religious reasons, you’re a Vegan or you don’t want to go to their 12 Step Meetings!
Not everyone knows that Bacon price increase factors were the Covid supply chain, closed meat plants, the Ukraine War & Pigs have been reading my articles & lost the will to live! haha
Would you believe the Gov’t has ‘Numbers Crunchers’ on the payroll who know that people eat more BLT’s in the summer!
Damn – all along I thought my taxes went for Bridges, Paper Clips & Potholes!
What’s so good about a BLT? Don’t get me started! First, don’t make me ‘a Club’ – too much bread, so little bacon!
But when you slather that toasted bread with creamy Mayo, slide in that juicy Jersey Tomato & lay it down on a king-sized bed of Iceberg Lettuce – you are ready to go to the Promise Land!
And, as you’re mounding layers of crisp smoky bacon oh-so-gently on top, you start to drool – as you are doing now!
Yes, & I like a lot of foreplay too! haha
And no – we don’t want Fries with that! It’s a work of art – so don’t mess with it! All the Food Groups too – well, eat a banana later!
No, we can’t do without – it’s in our genes in more ways than not! We have to have our Bacon & Eggs, Pancakes & Bacon & Bacon Bits!
What did we do before they came up with Bacon Bits? We were in a virtual waste land. Yeah, when they’re at a Salad Bar – I wet my pants!
Turkey Bacon? Are you kidding me! That’s like dreaming you’re with Elmer Fudd on your wedding night – big disappointment! A friend told me that!
I found this disturbing pic on-line & wondered WTF!
What do you think? I think it could only mean one thing …
‘Go near my Bacon or you’re Toast!