[Disclaimer: This is a satirical news piece, just for fun, read at your own risk!]

House Ethics Committee Releases Report on Rep. Matt ‘Mandingo’ Gaetz

Matt Gaetz retirement move fail: House Ethics Committee releases its scathing report on the alleged underage sex-trafficker.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R. FL), who resigned his House seat on Wednesday to avoid release of a report by the House Ethics Committee on his “avalanche of deviant sex,” appears to have made the move in vain. The Committee released a redacted version of the report today, wherein they cite the 42-year-old Trump nominee for Attorney General for “dozens of miscreant incidents.”

House Ethics Committee report looms on Matt Gaetz
Buh-bye, Matt Gaetz. Photo: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0.

The House Ethics Committee began an investigation into sex-trafficking of young girls, which involved Gaetz, in 2021. When the Department of Justice, then helmed by Trump AG Bill Barr, initiated their own probe, the Ethics Committee paused their investigation. After the DOJ concluded their efforts without bringing charges against Gaetz, in 2023, the Committee resumed investigating.

With Gaetz’s resignation, there is some concern over whether the report can be issued. House Speaker Mike Johnson has admonished the bi-partisan committee not to release the report, claiming they have no authority over a non-member and that the contents of the report “are nobody’s business.” That’s not the way we do things in the House,” said Johnson, “and I believe it would set a terrible precedent.”

Precedents have been set before, however. In 1987 an Ethics Committee report was released on Rep. William Boner (D. TN). Said Speaker Johnson: “The only similarity here is that it was a boner that got Rep. Gaetz in trouble in the first place. It’s a petty witch hunt,” he added.

There is nothing in Committee rules forbidding release or publication of a report on someone who is no longer a member of the House. It is a courtesy rather than a rule. “I believe the House should always be courteous,” said Johnson.

In the DOJ investigation, investigated alongside Gaetz was political pal and bon vivant Joel Greenberg, who was charged with coercing women and underage girls by providing them with gifts and money for sex. Greenberg was sentenced in 2022 to 11 years in prison.

Following is a partially redacted copy of the House Ethics Committee investigation into Matt Gaetz. It was released on Friday, Nov. 15.

Report of the House Ethics Committee on Rep. Matt Gaetz

Principal subject of this probe was Rep. XXXX Gaetz (R. FL). Mr. Gaetz was found to have had XXXX and/or XXXXXXX sex with a total of 205 women between Jan. 2017 and Oct. 2019. Some of these unions were consensual, but in at least 90 cases, Gaetz procured sexual favors by offering money, illicit XXXXX and gifts to his sexual companions. In 14 instances, the Congressman’s paramours were under age 18 — some were as young as XX years, and attended junior high school, according to creditable sources.

Said one underage victim: “Mandingo (Gaetz’s sobriquet) would tie me up with his necktie and then XXXX me for hours. He would take ED meds and binge on energy drinks, and he could go all night! It was awesome!” The victim added that when Gaetz could no longer get it XX, he’d strap on a heavy-duty XXXXX.

Other victims said they received cocaine, methamphetamine, hashish and other illegal substances. “Mandingo had this small, soapstone hash pipe and it burned all night. Gosh…!” Another girl said she got a matched set of XXXXXX mugs inscribed with “House of Representatives.” The 14-year-old testified she got $5 and a four-pack of Red Bull. The girls said that the Florida Congressman “Took lots of pictures.”

Three young women testified they were ferried to the Bahamas on a luxury yacht, in the company of both Greenberg and Gaetz and “a XXXXXXXXXX which was on loan from the Miami zoo.” When asked what transpired, the witnesses said, “sex, drugs and rock and roll. Same old, same old.” They went on to add, “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX all night long!

Bill Tope
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