Liar, liar! Psychophants on fire!
Trump scams MAGA succors.
America has been repossessed souly for financial malfeasance.
The Don of a new error breaks in the mourning-time.
Talkative fools with nothing to say babble on.
“There’s safety in bumblers,” claimed the son of a bee.
Beware of clowns that never laugh at themselves.
Both snake oil and venom come from the same sorcery.
When greed becomes fashionable it only suits itself.
2025 projects to begin with a cold and bitter democra-seizin’.
Republicans plan to sell our government out to private-ties.
Elon Musk: The devil’s X-source is him.
Revisionists always move past lies to the future.
Polarization tears society apart with disastrous versus them consequences.
To understand the world, greed between the lions.
When evil surrounds you, see through it.
Truth is stronger than fiction.
Never mind over what doesn’t matter.
To find your way home, return to childhood innocence.
Now is the time to be present-able.
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- This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Psychophants on Fire! - December 4, 2024
- This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: One Dementional - September 14, 2024