Axing the nation’s Inspectors General means all issues of waste and fraud are fixed, new/old prez declares.
Even the tiniest bit of waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct has been cleansed from the federal government now that Inspectors General have been fired from their jobs at more than 12 federal agencies, proclaims the aspiring President-for-Life Donald Trump.

Trump said the federal government will hum along beautifully now that he has gotten rid of these government watchdogs who were supposed to be investigating or reporting any bad things happening in each of their agencies.
It’ll be just like when Trump thought the Covid-19 pandemic could be curtailed if the government did less testing and stopped reporting new cases.
“Like I said, I was ordained by a higher power to Make America Great Again,” said Trump. “Now that I’ve fired these stupid IG’s who only liked to cause trouble, the government is working like a dream come true. The American people should thank me for what I’ve done for them.”
Trump fired a reported 17 inspectors general on a late Friday night in January that political observers said violated a 2022 law to protect the IG’s independence. The law, supported by both Democrats and Republicans, required the president to give Congress 30 days-notice with detailed and specific reasons for why an Inspector General should be fired. No such notice was given in any of these cases.
“Why should I bother with Congress?” said Trump. “The Supreme Court has ruled I can do anything I want since I’m president. Yes, I’ll give notice to Congress. It doesn’t even have be in 30 days. It’s right now. My notice to them is simple — get lost.”
The odd thing about it is that some of the IG’s Trump fired were people he previously appointed to the same position, some of whom were critical of his predecessor Joe Biden, Trump’s sworn enemy. These IG’s were also critical of officials in Biden’s administration.
Trump said if “I feel like it,” he’ll appoint replacements for each inspector general he fired. The replacements, which are not supposed to be political appointees who suck up Trump, will be whoever meets his fancy. That means we shouldn’t necessarily expect a serious-minded replacement whose investigations are credible.
Democratic Rep. Gerald Connolly of Virginia, ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said that “replacing independent inspectors general with political hacks will harm every American who relies on social security, veteran benefits and a fair hearing at IRS on refunds and audits.”
Mark Greenblatt, who was nominated to be inspector general of the Interior Department by Trump during his first term, said the “most charitable interpretation” for why Trump dumped him is that “he doesn’t believe in our independence or our fairness. The least charitable interpretation is that he wants lackeys to rubber stamp what he’s trying to do.”
The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Inspector General, Hannibal “Mike” Ware, who was also let go, said the firings are legally dubious and will be challenged.
In response, Trump said, “Go ahead. Make my day. I’ll see you in court. Okay?”
Meanwhile, Trump’s backers in Congress have proposed a bill to allow him to run for a third term as President, and probably beyond that as well, saying he’s “restoring America to greatness and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal.”
Apparently, that goal includes erasing any government accountability by sacking all those Inspectors General. By Trump’s convoluted logic, that would mean in his words that “if nobody’s there to find anything wrong in my administration, then by hook or crook, there’s nothing wrong. God bless America and most of all, God Bless its Dear Leader Donald J. Trump.”
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