GAZA: ‘From the Riviera to the Sea’ – Throwing Spaghetti Against the Wall!

Throwing Spaghetti Against the Wall

Splat goes the Spaghetti – Past U.S. Presidents have also made off-the-wall erratic statements to see what sticks!

Yes, many U.S. Presidents besides Donald Trump have thrown out spaghetti or a queer bon mot they wish to forget.

GEORGE WASHINGTON – ‘By Friday, we’ll have 100 States! I have to lie down now.’

MARTIN VAN BUREN – ‘The Barber Strike is killing me!’

Throwing Spaghetti Against the Wall

ABRAHAM LINCOLN – ‘I wanted to go bowling!’


RICHARD NIXON – ‘No President will ever be more corrupt than me!’

ULYSSES S. GRANT – ‘My mother named me during one of her benders!’

HERBERT HOOVER – ‘How many times do I have to tell you, ‘Dusting is Women’s Work!’

HARRY S. TRUMAN: ‘Bess, you is my woman now!’ I love Show Tunes! haha

Trumanshow tunes

GERALD FORD – ‘From now on – I wear Loafers!’

Ford, Throwing Spaghetti Against the WallSNL

AL GORE – “I’m not?”  Then when do I get to be in a friggin’ article?


And, our 2nd President, JOHN ADAMS – ‘HA! George just got word that I revoked his Security Clearance & Intelligence briefings!’

Throwing Spaghetti Against the Wall

Marilyn Sands