A ‘Napoleon Complex’ and ‘Antiques Roadshow’ Confidential Tell-All find: ‘Why I, Napoleon Bonaparte had my hand in my Jacket’ – Top 10
In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte created the Napoleonic Code of Civil Law before declaring himself Emperor, in a fit of Napoleon Complex.
NAPOLEON: “He who saves his country does not violate any law!”
Last Saturday, Donald Trump went on ‘Truth Social’ to signal continued resistance to limits on his executive authority.
DONALD TRUMP: “If it saves the country, it’s not illegal!”
Sounds just like President Nixon too. “When the President does it, that means it is not illegal!”
Just think of it – if Nixon didn’t fold & resign – we would’ve had ‘King Richard!’
History (or the next 4 years) will show us whether Trump gets his wish.
More importantly, here’s Napoleon’s moment of truth – “TOP 10 Reasons Why I Had My Hand in my Jacket”!
10. The Doc says it’s the Pate – I say it was the Chimichanga!
9. ‘Give me back the Remote Josephine, or I’ll shoot’!
8. You dip it in egg & then fry it. Damn French Firemen are so slow!
7. The Tip? Okay. I had the Coq au Vin & you had the Quiche Lorena Bobbitt!
6. My Driver’s License & Groupons, Officer?
5. My Card? Ha – never had one! Everyone knows me as ‘Be Best Emperor’!
4. I’ve got a CVS Coupon in here somewhere. I just wanted ‘Tums’. You’re out?
Gendarme – he’s Fired!
3. You folks are ‘Fake News’! It’s just a little coffee acid reflux I get from you! Print that & ever heard of a Guillotine?
2. I lost my Mitten, okay? Shut up!
And #1 Reason I, Napoleon Bonaparte had my hand in my Jacket…
This morning we played ‘Rosy (Bloody) Knuckles’ & I shouldn’t have gone in for it!
Josephine didn’t like that kiss at all!