Trump to Zelenskyy: ‘Your Watch & Wallet Too!’

Trump to Zelenskyy

Trump to Zelenskyy: Besides his Watch, Wallet & Ukraine’s rare minerals, 7 more things Trump wants for the ‘deal!’

Says Trump to Zelenskyy in a White House meeting, “It’s time to sign the Ukraine Rare Earth Minerals Agreement!” – what could go wrong?  haha

Here’s 7 more deal breakers Trump’s asking for!

7.  Your Cathedral!  I’m playing ‘Monopoly’ with Putin on Tuesday!

Trump to Zelenskyy

6.  Ukraine’s Helman Bohdon Khimeinytasky’s Hat!  Shut up – I like it!


5.  Your scenic ‘Natural Heritage Site’ for my new Golf Course!  FORE!

Heritage Site

4.  Your recipe for Borscht!


3.  Military Brown Suit like yours – but with a ‘Trap Door’ for emergencies!

2.  The Key to your city & the Address to your ‘Rare Minerals’ location!

And the #1 thing Donald Trump is asking Zelenskyy for in his ‘Rare Mineral’s Deal at the White House…

‘YANA, from last time!’

Trump to Zelenskyy

Marilyn Sands