Why the Paddle Didn’t Rattle Trump: Melania’s Pre-speech Heckler Role Play!

Trump heckler

Top 10 pre-speech heckler taunts Melania threw at Donald the night before The State of the Union!

Trump heckler

TOP 10 Heckler-Proof Insults Melania Sprang on Donald to Toughen His Thin Skin:

Trump heckler

10.  Bowl full of Jelly!

9.  Without Shoe Lifts – Jockey!

8.  Roaming Hands & Russian Fingers!

7.  You need me – I braid nose hairs!

6.  Our Pre-nup doesn’t have enough ‘Nup’!

5.  Diaper Man says, lay off the Chimichangas’ or he quits!

4.  How’s that ‘Mexico will pay for the Wall’ schtick?

3.  Look at this Humor Times Headline: “Golf Nut Buries Wife & Puts Back Divot!”

I don’t know where they get their writers!

2.  Last night sex – a 2!  And, that’s with J.D. Vance cheering you on!

And Melania’s #1 role-play insult session the night before The State of the Union

When it comes to my son & fruit of my loin cloth – you are NOT the Father!


That’s Loins, Loins!  Immigrants are so funny!

For more laughs, check out “Dems Nixed Ideas: Who thought up the Friggin’ Paddles?

Marilyn Sands