Trump Poo Poos Resignation Suggestion, Bribes Roosters with Sexier Hens Instead!

Nixon resignation

Trump bristles at signing a Resignation Letter like Nixon, considers a Buy-Out!


March 2025, Subject: Resignation Letter idea

Dear Mr. President,

Just so you know — this was not my idea.  I’ve been chosen from a lottery of ‘Satirical Comedy Writers’ to send this to you & I lost.  And, don’t take it personally — this is just a suggestion!

It’s so Easy Peasy – you could do it on your Lunch Hour!

All you have to do is sign your name — easier than driving a new Tesla with computers!

Give it a try!

1.  Find a sheet of White House Letterhead paper from your top drawer.  I’ll wait.

2.  Put today’s date on the top & start typing!

Dear Mr. Secretary,

I hereby resign the office of President of the United States.


Donald J. Trump

The Honorable Marco Rubio

The Secretary of State, Washington, D.C. 10500

3.  Sign your name & you’re almost done.

resignation signature

4.  Hand it to Susan Wiles your Chief of Staff you hired to take your pickle out of your cheeseburgers & other things!


5.  Pat your Fake Dog for the very last time!

6.  Give a High Five to Lincoln’s Bust & say ‘See ya at ‘Rushmore’!

7.  Praise God nobody found out about you Jeffrey Epstein yet!

8.  Stop shillin’ & give your new Tesla to Charity!

9.  Forgive all Comedy Writers & Late Show Comics during your double reign as they couldn’t have made your friggin’ sh__ up!

And #10.  Don’t run-off with our Gov’t Pens — after all Elon’s pillaging, that’s all we got left!

Trump pens

Marilyn Sands