Sarah Palin once seemed genuine, wholesome, the real thing
Yes, it is true. I voted for Sarah Palin.
No, not when she was running for Vice President. Way back when she was running for governor of Alaska.

Posters of her were everywhere in the 49th state. She seemed genuine, wholesome, the real thing. Not to mention cute as hell. And for the most part she was genuine.
Sarah Palin really did do things out of an independent nature. (Which later morphed to being a ‘maverick.’ Back then it was more like being an independent colt.)
She had her inauguration in Fairbanks instead of the traditional site of Juneau. This was a visible protest to pull the Capital out of Juneau which is often inaccessible due to weather. (Juneau can only be reached by plane or boat and is a long ride there since it is in South East Alaska.)
She really did stand up to the oil companies and didn’t put up with a lot of guff.
Here is the real kicker – Sarah Palin had an 80% approval rating in her early days as governor. That means both Democrats and Republicans liked her.
Then came the offer to be Vice President. She took the bait and swallowed it whole.
The Republican media machine went to work ‘remaking’ Sarah Palin, and she came out of the other end of it a different person than she had gone in. Just like Hollywood movies starlets they don’t let you be what you are, you have to be made into what they think the public wants. She was turned into the Alaskan female Tarzan – the Tiger Mama.
Then once Palin got to see all the bright lights of the lower 48 she found Wasilla to be a bit drab and dumpy. “How are ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm, after they seen Paree?” goes the old song.
So, with all that said, here is an article I wrote before Sarah Palin became the SARAH PALIN that the whole world now knows, back when our nation and Alaska were simpler, easier places to be.
Or at least seemed like it.
This article was first published around 2007:
This is an open letter to all other citizens of the United States: Our Governor is better looking than your Governor.
That’s it – period. No questions asked.
In fact, our Governor is a pretty hot chick. Of course, in Alaska, any woman standing on both legs and having her own teeth is usually a hot enough babe to we single guys living here.
Still, Governor Palin is exceptional. Despite glasses and an educated aura about her, she is still a sensuous beauty. The glasses and her aura just make her seem wonderfully chaste and pure just like Catholic girls in their plaid skirts seemed to us boys in the non-parochial schools. Chaste and pure, that’s a personification our last Governor Murkowski could never have pulled off.
Palin is also quite curvy, but we’re not supposed to notice that in our leader. The male in us notices it anyway – we can’t help it.
Now this isn’t that Ms. Palin isn’t a solid pretender to the throne. She paid her dues being the mayor of Wasilla, which is the Chicago of Alaska. It is a commuter community to Anchorage (our New York), yet stands on its own feet as a lovely place made even lovelier by Ms. Palin’s presence. She has a good head on her shoulders and a fair outlook on business and politics alike. It is not like we in Alaska, being around 65% male, elected her solely for her looks and charm, although it was real nice seeing those campaign posters of her sweet smile all over town.
With such a cultured person as Ms. Palin in power we are apt to explode several myths the rest of America has about Alaska at once. A lot of these illusions are going to fall like dominoes now, starting with:
A. We are male dominated – Remember, the meanest critters in our woods are the FEMALE bears and moose. The Alaskan human female falls in line somewhere after the wolverine.
B. All Alaskans are ugly – It has long been rumored that we all were hit a few too many times with the bad end of an ugly stick. Take a good look at Ms. Palin to realize the error of that belief, but not too long. She is OURS, we saw her first.
C. We are backwoods ignoramuses – No we isn’t!! Ms. Palin embodees all the karackeristiks that a big city girl needs- sofustication, charmm, edumication and poize. We don’t need no more than that. And the meaning of ‘big city’ in Alaska means any place with its own fire department, library and indoor plumbing.
D. We are not intellectuals – Ms. Palin wears glasses and looks smart. That means she is an intellectual in our book. That’s good enough.
E. That we are all hicks – OK, you got us on that one. She isn’t Jesus Christ for crying out loud! You can’t always make wine out of water.
F. That Alaska is redneck country – Does that sweet neck look red? The worst you’ll see adorning her shoulders is a Qiviut scarf. However she does have an anchor tattoo on her upper arm – but you are not supposed to know that.
The electing of a female governor in Alaska might bring about a whole new era in our history. Maybe men here will start exploring their feminine side and you will start seeing Alaskan males knitting lace doilies for their log furniture instead of tanning moose hides during the long winter months. Trappers will reexamine their professions and start using catch and release methods. Solar panels and wind generators will sprout everywhere replacing generations of dependence on oil drilling and wood stove heat. The lion shall lie down with the lamb, or, in our case, the grizzly with the salmon, if that is possible.
Alaskans will band together, secede from the union and become our own country – oops, you weren’t supposed to know about that either. We can’t have Homeland Security knowing about our ‘Alaskans for Seceding from the Union and Joining Canada Party’.
Of course, it is not that I’m playing a game of one-upmanship by all this. Just because our state is far bigger than any of yours, has more pristine wilderness than yours does and has a higher percentile income doesn’t mean that I am getting snooty on you. We will always give the lower 48 states credit for having warmer winters, but then, almost anybody else would including Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. You folks have the greater agricultural yield, although pot is legal here now and we might surpass you on that count soon. You ‘southerners’ do have more good looking women than we do, which is a very sore point with us, but, like the lonely soldiers of WW II alone in distant lands, we now have our own pinup girl to help us get through our long lonely winters. However, just to be neighborly, you could still send us some of your women and thereby maybe help keep us in the union.
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