Musings on the Labor Day holiday
In honor of all those hard-working people who are taking a day off (actually, only the people lucky enough to have bosses who still consider Labor Day a holiday and not an excuse to make their people work even harder), I’ve decided to post here some of my musings on the Labor Day holiday in the style of the late, great humor writer, Shel Silverstein. Since I am hardly as prolific or humorous as Mr. Silverstein, and since this is technically my day off from doing any kind of work, including writing, today’s post will be short and sweet.
Today is labor day
As most of you know
We take off work
and bask in the glow
of a job well-done
the fortunate one
who at least has a job to
stay home from.
Where else but in American do
we take a day off to relax and reward
ourselves for being hard workers and then
call it Labor Day.
If you have to work on Labor Day
And can’t be outside to enjoy it
Remember that it is only a day
And at least you are employed.
Today’s the day to sing and dance
Today’s the day to wear no pants
Just sit and watch T.V. all day
And labor less,
It’s Labor Day.
Unless you are a retail clerk
Put on your pants and go to work.