A Few Random Things I Learned About Bill Murray from “The Big Bad Book of Bill Murray”

Roz Warren, Humor Times

Things I learned about Bill Murray

He once owned a dog named Bark.

As a kid, he was kicked out of the Boy Scouts of America.

His childhood nickname was “Sleepy.”

When he was little, and alone, he used to sing songs to God.

When he joined Second City in 1973, the troupe was known by the nickname “The Seven Giant Goyim,” because everyone in the cast was a gentile over six feet tall.

He loves cigars, golf and the Chicago Cubs.

When visiting big cities, Murray enjoys taking public transportation, especially buses.

He credits Gilda Radner for teaching him the importance of saying no to people.

In August 2007, he was pulled over by Swedish police for driving a golf cart through the streets of Stockholm while under the influence of alcohol.

In 2008 he helped kick off the annual Chicago Air and Water Show by jumping out of a plane two and a half miles above the city with a team of skydivers.

He once called Elaine May “the most attractive woman in the world.”

He once called Ralph Nader “the greatest living American.”

He can grow a beard quickly.

His favorite author is Mark Twain.

He keeps a decorated Christmas tree outside his house year round.

(Roz Warren is the author of OUR BODIES, OUR SHELVES: LIBRARY HUMOR.)

(More on The Big Bad Book of Bill Murray.)

Roz Warren