Top Five internationally: the Humor Times logo!
We are proud to announce that the Humor Times logo we use on this website and as our magazine masthead was recently chosen as #4 out of the top 10 internationally for Best Logo Design by SpellBrand. (Note: this article is from June, 2010.)
That puts us just behind a couple little rags you may have heard of, the New York Times & USA Today!
SpellBrand noted that, “It’s only appropriate that a newspaper offering a comedic commentary on the news have a very different logo than its more serious counterparts. This newspaper bucks the trend by having attention grabbing red lettering in fun, curving shapes that are reminiscent of a comic book. The colorful bulls-eye image not only draws in the eye; it also adds to the friendly feeling of the logo design by adding circular shapes to the logo. This logo perfectly portrays the differences between this newspaper and its competitors.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!
“We are very happy to have this honor. The logo was designed for us a few years ago by Bob Crabb, a fine cartoonist out of Nevada City who regularly gets published in the Grass Valley Union, and has published many comic books of his own,” said Humor Times publisher James Israel.
The national attention this could bring the Humor Times is much welcomed, as we continue to transition into a national publication, available by subscription all over the world, in print and digital formats. Many Sacramento locals (where we are based) may think we went out of business, but we merely discontinued the free distribution of the paper a couple years ago.
The Humor Times is now available in hard-copy or digital formats. More information can be found here.
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