Navigate his unfathomable tweets and rants with our very own Trump Glossary!

1st in a series (if I’m lucky).
Forget your old civics class — in his measly two-month-plus reign as President, Trump’s words have caused me to masticate a whole new set of definitions to chew on. But just in case we’re all wrong with the timing, you ought to hold on to this — you may need it the next 3 years, 285 days, 2 hours and 35 minutes — but who’s counting?
A rubbing compound you can bring to the bank as collateral!
A Georgia farmer who didn’t vote for Trump!
Or Impeachment – whichever comes first!
Bret Baier
Black, Brown, White — sometimes Teddy!
A lie in reverse!
” ”
See Walkback!
See Backfire!
Joking with Merkel.
A smirk’in Merkel
Birds do it, Bees do it — even over-educated P’s do it!
Excessive Tweeting
You could go blind doing that!
Number that will live in infamy!
White House Intel
Fox, duh!
Sold it to Abe of Japan 2 weeks ago…they were drinking sake and yada, yada, yada!
Our Naval Fleet
Sold that too — same Invoice! Our new Flag now matches Trump’s tie – what a deal maker!