Jackie Kennedy, Marge Simpson & Longevity: What I Learned from Magazines This Week

Roz Warren, Humor Times

What I learned from magazines this week

The title of the overdue book returned to a public library in San Francisco 100 years after it had been checked out? Forty Minutes Late.
(Readers Digest, 04/17)

In 1999, Kathy McKeon, Jackie Kennedy’s former assistant, went to a Halloween party dressed in a Marge Simpson costume she’d made from one of the former first lady’s hand-me-down nightgowns and won the prize for Best Costume.
(People, 05/08/17)

People with higher incomes live longer.
(Time, 4/25/16)

Chris Rock has no trust in mankind.
(Rolling Stone, 05/17)

Elizabeth Warren gets a kick out of people showing her their NEVERTHELESS, SHE PERSISTED tattoos.
(Time, 06/05/17)

If you’re born in the fall (September, October or November) you have a better chance of living an extra-long life.
(Reader’s Digest, 05/17)

The chair that J.K. Rowling sat in while writing Harry Potter is worth $394,000.
(Time, 4/25/16)

A study found that when choir members sang in unison, their heart rates slowed down and eventually synchronized.
(Reader’s Digest, 05/17)

The Museum of Sex has a bicycle-powered dildo in its collection.
(The New Yorker, 05/29/17)

Debra Winger’s advice for dealing with aging? “Own fewer mirrors.”
(People, 6/29/17)

(Roz Warren is the author of Just Another Day at Your Local Public Library: An Insider’s Tales of Library Life.)

Roz Warren