I don’t want to beet around the bush — but Russians do have a sense of humor. And here for comedy night, one of those jokesters just climbed up on stage…
“And now, straight from The Kiev Kiosk — here’s the top female comic in the USSR… Buffy Korsekov”!
You guessed it — my comedy idols are The Marx Brothers… Groucho & Karlo!

I don’t need this you know — I could go home and clean… Missiles!
My last gig was the “Mike Flynn Lifetime Achievement Dinner” — no Caviar…Turkey on a Ritz!
This is a tough crowd!
You know, Russia is so cold — but, it’s a dry cold!
It’s so cold — babies are born with an electrical cord!
I’m not kidding — it’s so cold we wear mittens in foreplay!
Our blankets have 2 settings — 3 Dog Night & Olga!
I see I’ve found the level of this crowd!
In Russia, we have magazine just like Cosmopolitan with catchy subtitles on the cover:
“The Ugly Flat Stomach… how to get rid of it forever!”
“Fat Cells — the gift that keeps on giving!”
And, “You’re Not Just Getting Better…you’re getting bigger!”
Sit down, Mom!
What do I think of Mrs. Trump? Ha — I’ve seen more meat in broth!
I dated the two Sergey’s after they visited the White house & both said the same thing. “Great acoustics & sound levels!”
Don’t laugh — that’s normal Pillow Talk in Russia!
But, Ambassador Kislyak was bored and said, “Spying is too easy these days — Trump showed me the friggin key under the mat to let me in!”
Do I think Trump was in cahoots with Putin — ha! Mrs. Putin hasn’t seen his cahoots in years!
Just kidding — I was doing this entire routine phonetically & wouldn’t know a cahoot from a cyber troll!
Start the car, Igor!
Folks — catch me next week at “The Beluga Bathhouse” — 1st 10 tickets get Golden Showers!
I’ve been great — thank you very much!
That’s better!