Jared Kushner Voted Under the Name ‘Jaroldine!’

Records show Jared Kushner registered to vote as a woman, Jaroldine

Jared Kushner Jaroldine

Voter Registration (and AOL news flash) records show Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law (I mean, son-in-law), Jared Kushner, registered as a woman, “Jaroldine!”

What difference does it make — he didn’t vote as a man too!  That would’ve only been 2 votes. 

And, what’s one fake vote.  It’s not as if Russia gave him a complimentary Genital Change as a freebee for helping them. 

Jared Kushner Jaroldine

Who cares… that his skin is smoother than mine — 

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Who cares… he borrowed his wife’s Angora sweater —

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Jaroldine, IvankaJaroldine, Ivanka

Who cares… if he shaves his legs & underarms —

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Who cares… if he loves to cook, sew & wash out unmentionables —

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Who cares… if he has PMS & curls up in a ball sometimes —

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Who cares… if he snapped when his own father went to prison for ratting on his brother-in-law —

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Who cares… if he went a little coo-coo watching his father-in-law’s unnatural affection for his daughter —

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Donald and Ivanka

Who cares… if he knows he’s in deep doodoo & seeking immunity from Mueller‘s rath —

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Who cares… if he tells his children — ‘She’s never home…call me Mommy and Daddy’ — 

as long as Ivanka loves him!

Who cares… if he just needs new glasses & made an innocent mistake —

as long as Ivanka loves him!

And, who cares… if he borrowed his wife’s shoes & Angora sweater..

as long as Ivanka loves him! 

Marilyn Sands