Wherein our intrepid talk radio show host interviews Senator Lindsey Graham
Live from under a rock in your backyard, it’s The Jerry Duncan Show.
Good morning listeners nationwide. Is it a good morning? We’ll soon find out. Today on the show my guest is the Senator from the great state of South Carolina Lindsey Graham. Good morning Senator.

You know I was thinking of something while driving over here.
If I’m against torture, what the hell am I doing on this show?
Lindsey cracked a funny. Ha, ha. Let’s get down to business Pillsbury Doughboy. Why are you wearing a tuxedo?
I’m a finalist on The Bachelor. It’s the senior edition called Bachelor in Leisure World. The challenge of this show is getting the women out of bed, not in it.
Fancy schmancy duds. A Ralph Kramden.
No you idiot. It’s a Ralph Lauren.
Suggestion. Lose the combat boots. Let’s see, you’ve been in Congress since 1995. First in the House until 2003, then elected to the Senate. What are some of your accomplishments?
I work well with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. I’ve been an advocate for finance reform, global warming, tax reform, a ban on waterboarding, immigration reform and ripping apart Ted Cruz.
You’re a straight arrow. In 1997, you took part in a coup against House Speaker Newt Gingrich for ethics violations.
Do you know what the Newtster did?
Cheated on two wives? Wore a Confederate soldier uniform to work?
Beside all that. Gingrich claimed tax-exempt status for a college class he taught and got paid. It was supposed to be non-partisan. But guess what?
That’s what. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
It was partisan. He knocked high school students that couldn’t read, girls having babies in their teens and more.
Those folks are my peeps.
He resigned. Thank you very much.
You ran against Trump in the presidential primary in 2016.
Yep. It didn’t go down well. Trump was out for cheap laughs and humiliated the competition. The Marco Rubio shtick with his small hands was disgusting. Claiming my pal John McCain was not a war hero troubling. He called me weak? Why I can juggle Kim and Putin on my nuts. Trump can’t put two words together.
Didn’t the Donald give out your cell phone number at a rally?
I fooled him anticipating he might pull a stunt like that. The number is for Amazon. That’s how I get my burgers and pizza delivered.
But Senator Lindsey Graham, you knuckleheads in Congress won’t give up on Repeal and Replace Obamacare. What’s the point?
I want real health care reform. In other words, nobody gets health insurance. Look, we can use those government subsidies to give tax cuts to the rich. They are the job creators.
Hold on there slick. The jobs are being taken over by robots. There’s downsizing at companies. CEO’s and stockholders are the only ones making a pile of cash.
They’re my peeps. You got yours and I got mine. Na na na na naa.
A 63-year old man still single. There’s rumors.
No. The plumbing works. I date girls in secret. We put sheets over our heads and go places incognito. A couple of months ago my date and I were arrested for loitering in front of a Halloween store. But I did have a serious relationship with a stewardess from Berlin.
Yeah. Sadly it ended when she started goose stepping on our walks. It’s a shame because I look great in Lederhosen.
What doe the future hold?
I’ll be doing a one man Ted Cruz show called Cruzin. Audiences can relive Mr. Mean with such classics as the time he shut down the government that cost taxpayers nearly $23 million, when he went ballistics during the 2016 presidential campaign after Trump said his dad was part of the Kennedy assassination plot, likened elected officials who didn’t vote to defund the Affordable Care Act to Nazis, and who can forget when Cruz said global warming alarmists are the equivalent of the flat-Earthers. At the end of the show, former House Speaker John Boehner makes a cameo appearance with his famous quote” I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”
I’ll buy ten tickets. See you tomorrow everyone.
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