Besides the over 300 bills sent over by the Democratic House, what else is sitting on the desk of Mitch McConnell?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls him ‘A Rogue Leader’ – the rest of us call him %&#$!
But besides all the Dems Bills – what else is sitting on Mitch McConnell’s Desk? Here’s the Top 10 list:
10. Half a Liverwurst Sandwich!
9. Certificate from the Pit Bull School of Leadership!
8. His personal copy of The 9 Commandments!
7. A dog-eared copy of Mein Kampf!
6. Favorite recipe for Devil’s Food Cake!
5. Two Emergency Happy Pills: 1 Viagra & 1 Mood Elevator!
4. Senate Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s Soul in a Jar!
3. Nixon’s signed book: “How To Rig Elections”!
2. The U.S. Constitution in Pencil!
And #1… A Lifetime supply of Turtle Wax!

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