Based on the column in Humor Times, “The Jerry Duncan Show” opens soon in New York City.
The Jerry Duncan Show opens at the Thirteenth Street Repertory Company, 50 West 13th Street, New York City (Greenwich Village).
It was written by Dean B. Kaner and is directed by Joe John Battista. Cast members are Eric Tonken, Thami Moscovici, Paige Susan Anderson, Bobby Temple and Michael Donato.
Performances: March 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 at 7:30 pm, and March 8, 15 at 4 pm.
Regular admission: $18 / Seniors & Students: $15.
Tickets on sale here, at the theater, or call (800) 838-3006. Limited seating and expected sell-out crowds.
Jerry Duncan, 40ish, is an arrogant, bombastic, nationally syndicated radio talk show host who interviews politicians in the headlines. Everyone from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders (see interviews he’s done in his column on this website at the links). The play is a comedy that allows the audience to watch the characters say on stage what they too may think, but are afraid to say. The characters have a comic spirit that is physical and energetic, triggering emotional reactions to Jerry’s back and forth taunting during the radio interview.

Off the air, Jerry is an insecure nebbish. He is single and lives alone in an apartment. A victim of circumstance, his life has suffered from a domineering mother named Maggie, now deceased. But she’s not out of his life, as we hear her talking to Jerry on stage, though not visible. Jerry is on a journey to free himself from his past.
The show is based on play author Dean Kaner’s long-running column on this website.
Order Your Tickets Here Today! Or call (800) 838-3006.
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