Accuse the media all you want, we know who the real fake is!
Trump, the unrealtor, sells lots of dirt.
Not surprisingly, a terrible person makes for a terrible president.
Trump supporters are con-founded fools!
A lazy mind usually remains closed.
Trump always manages to keep his nitwits about him.
Don Junior’s a real rip-off the old block.
I wouldn’t trust Jared to run tapwater.
Trump’s a swine, and sow is Ivanka.
You can’t spell nepotism without inept.
We’re now seeing the effects of “winging” it.
As the crisis deepened, Trump was on the golf course, fore-crying out loud!
Narcissists always hurt the one they love.
This is what happens when the shit hits the fantasy.
Trump 2020: Running on empty promises.
Lessons of the past are the point of no return.
Honestly, I miss trust.
We need two stable eyes with a clear vision.
To turn things around, face in a different direction.
Just say no to dopes.
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