This is Your Brain on Aphorisms: Happy Earth Day to You!

Celebrate Earth Day now for your presence in the future.

Happy Earth Day to YouThe global warming debate: Speculating on weather or not.

It’s not nice to fuel Mother Nature!

Soon we may have to call Antarctica Aintarctica.

Don’t allow the rain forests to become slain forests.

Mother Earth can only give so much, and will only take so much as well.

When energy companies have too much power, as they currently do, they can charge whatever and wherever they want.

Deregulation is out of control.

Pollution causes death by sewer-cide.

Get your end of the world insurance before it’s too late.

The human race: Running around in circles from here to returnity.

For those seeking immortality, get a life!

To fight global warming, turn up the heat on politicians.

Science informs, silence conforms.

I support any politician who runs with scissors.

A fool in paradise will always seek greener pastures.

To be one with nature, don’t get beside yourself.

Renewable is do-able.

We can save our world if we planet wisely.

Our finest our is when we work together.

Ralph Lombard