Besides bragging about his ‘massive dumps’ – Turns out, Trump really does have a Legacy!
It’s hard to believe, but true – Trump’s done some good things, and does have some pluses on his presidential ledger!
That’s why I had to write a Top Ten after reading that Donald J. Trump won The Guiness World’s Records of ‘LIES IN ONE DAY’ – well, second only to Hitler when he postponed a Picnic during a Blitzrieg!
“Good Things that Happened Under Trump’s Watch” Top 10
10. He kept more Psychotherapists in business – especially mine!
9. Millions of Americans got educated – yeah, more people looked up the word ‘Narcissism’!
8. You’ve got to admit he saved lives – he pardoned 4 Turkeys on 4 Thanksgivings!
7. He saved Taxpayer’s money by using his ‘Bed, Bath & Beyond’ Coupon for a Butt Loofah!
6. In his honor – he influenced the new improved Cognitive Tests – instead of an easy Elephant – it’s now an impossible Aardvark!
5. He worked overtime for us! At 3 am this morning, he used his Sharpie & corrected all the mistakes in the Constitution!
4. Give him his props – he saved ‘duped voters’ money – by not demanding an election recount of the remaining 46 States!
3. Out of his own pocket, he gave his retiring Attorney General a Gold Watch inscribed – “Et tu Barr”?
2. Saving our country a lot of angst, confetti & funeral expenses – his life was spared thank G-d – by his Food Taster, the Docs at Walter Reed & his bullet proof Codpiece!
And #1…
He finally got Melania what she demanded – a Pardon, a Name Change application & a one-way trip with the Space Force!