Animal groups get names like “murder of crows” — what if we did the same for humans?

Animal groups often receive exotic names, such as a pride of lions, a murder of crows, a leap of lizards, and a congregation of alligators. Why can’t we do the same for groupings of humans? Consider the following recommendations:
- A pride of politicians
- A murder of Edgar finalists
- A leap of gymnasts
- A gossip of adolescent girls
- An acne of adolescent boys
- A siren of firefighters
- A hover of pilots
- An applause of one-armed Zen masters
- A kvelling of Jewish grandparents
- A kant of philosophers
- A hegel of dialectical idealists
- A kabob of chefs
- A groucho of stand-up comics
- A cuspid of dentists
- A bicuspid of dental hygienists
- A cacophony of musicians
- A waiver of doctors
- A screeching of lawyers
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