Wall Street is full of bullishit!

Minimum wages war on the poor.
As the rich get richer, the middle-class becomes more and more poor-us.
Ted “Yes I Cancun” Cruz needs his power cut-off.
Republicans only see what they want to hypocrisy.
Obstructionists nowhere they’re going.
I’ve had my fill of bluster.
CPAC worships a “golden-gaffe.”
Trump’s wreckard is undeniable.
Truth only lies when it’s dead.
Censorship is a mute point.
I agree with your right to disagree, but not your right to be disagreeable.
Immigration problems won’t just caravanish.
Erace profiling minorities.
The future must be more than just an echo of the past.
Never go to sleep on your dreams.
Make America Immigrate Again!
How do trees feel in the springtime? Releaved.
I nose what I smell, and it’s a pollen.
My ship never came in, just a dinghy!
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