Night Prayer: A Poem

Diane de Anda, Humor Times

Night Prayer (updated from previous version)

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray Trump’s soul the devil keep.
If from his sleep he never wakes
I pray his soul the devil takes.

For evils of his tyrant’s rule
Against poor children, harsh and cruel,
And lack of conscience to back down,
Because the children were all brown.

And may he take Trump’s sycophants,
Supporters of his lying rants,
McConnell, Miller and the rest
Whose souls already are possessed.

Then take all the Republicans
Denying Trump’s inciting plans —
Each partisan, not patriot;
May they all go to hell and rot.

And don’t miss Congressman Matt Gaetz
For whom the fire of hell awaits,
With Brian Kemp not far behind
For all the racist bills he’s signed.

For sure take Hawley and Ted Cruz.
It’s time for them to pay their dues
For propagating the Big Lie
That gave the mob its rally cry.

May Satan grab M. Taylor Greene
And wrench her from the D.C. scene,
Though he will find her soul is gone;
She sold her soul to QAnon.

And I will sleep all warm and well
If Bannon goes with them to hell
To find his true deserving fate
Alongside Hitler, his soulmate.

Diane de Anda
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