“Marshall Law”, Marjorie cannot spell.
Rep. Greene (R-GA) is going to Hell.
Moron Marjorie hates our democracy.
Donald Trump is a liar who lost bigly.
President Joe Biden is a kick-ass dude.
Biden won & Putin peed his pants, fools.
Russia is taking a beating they deserve.
Stop funding the GOP, Russian worms.
Speaking of worms, what’s it up to now?
20,000 dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine?
Putin is no genius, and Trump is insane!
Putin’s puppet Trump is a fascist traitor.
Enjoy prison, Donald Trump! See ya later?
Maybe you’ll get what Jeffrey Epstein got:
“Suicide” as part of a perverted coverup.
Putin & the FSB need to tie up loose ends,
So run for your life, Don! No more friends.
Jake Pickering
Arcata, CA, USA
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