Polimerick Memes by Josh Zepess

Josh Zepess Polimerick Gallery

Click on any Josh Zepess “polimerick” (political limerick) meme and scroll through. Enjoy!

Josh Zepess’ Bio

Josh Zepess is a Corporate America escapee and reformed engineer who, after 20 years of staring a gray walls and being on his best behavior, decided that his future could no longer be contained within the walls of the cubicle. As a compulsive creator, he quickly found his passion in speaking and writing, with a flair for subtle satire and witty, yet inappropriate, humor. His native language is sarcasm, though he does maintain a resplendent command of the English language, among others.

When he’s not racing obstacle courses, flying airplanes, brewing beer, or speed-eating, he is helping individuals and businesses create and articulate an authentic (brand) identity with clarity and power so that they can attract everything they desire. He also coaches entrepreneurs on crafting and delivering pitches that punch people in the heart (while hugging them) so that their ideal clients and investors are thirsty to learn more and desperate to take action.

Drop him a line if you dare at [email protected] and check out his website here.

Be sure to visit his Facebook page, YouTube channel, LinkedIn page and follow him on Twitter!


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