Enjoy this gallery of reader-created cartoons by the members of the Humor Times community!
Like to draw or know someone who does? Submit original reader-created cartoons below!
We encourage constructive feedback for the budding cartoonists on this page — leave comments below! (Negative comments will be deleted.) Thank you!
Submitting your own cartoons:
Please only submit one or two at a time. Multiple submissions will result in cartoons being held back and published later, if at all.
The images must be original cartoons, not “memes,” and must not contain profanity or be overtly sexual in nature. We also reserve the right to reject cartoons we find petty, vindictive, grossly inaccurate, in bad taste, etc.
Only images in jpeg or gif (.jpeg, .jpg or .gif extension) format will be accepted.
Of course, you’ll need a way to scan any hand-drawn cartoons to be able to upload them. In an image editing program (basic free programs are available), rotate images to the correct orientation, adjust the contrast so that it looks clear and bright and crop the image to eliminate excess blank space around it. Cartoons will be resized to a maximum of 1200 pixels in width or height, so you may want to do that first yourself to reduce upload time.
Please note: By submitting your reader-created cartoons to this site, you are agreeing to let the Humor Times post them for the public to see, without compensation. You retain any and all authorship rights.
For some tips on cartooning, there are some good free online drawing tutorials.
Thank you!
Upload your cartoon here:
Once uploaded, submitted images will be moderated before you or the public will be able to view them. In most cases, it will be posted in a day or two, as long as it meets our guidelines, above.
You may drag & drop your image file over the form, or click “Select File,” then find the folder you have your art stored in, choose your image file, and hit “Open.” Add an optional description if you like. Then click “Upload File.” You will see a “File uploaded successfully” message if all goes well, and will receive a confirmation email if you’ve entered a valid email address (required). If you have any problems, please contact us here.
To see our collections of professional cartoonists, check out our Political Cartoons, our political Cartoon Galleries, and non-political panel cartoons. If you’d like to try your hand at captioning cartoons, check our Cartoon Caption Contest. Enjoy, and please use the share buttons below. Thank you!
More on cartooning, from Wikipedia:
Modern single-panel gag cartoons, found in magazines, generally consist of a single drawing with a typeset caption positioned beneath or (much less often) a speech balloon.
Editorial or political cartoons are found almost exclusively in news publications and news websites. Although they also employ humor, they are more serious in tone, commonly using irony or satire. The art usually acts as a visual metaphor to illustrate a point of view on current social and/or political topics. Editorial cartoons often include speech balloons and, sometimes, multiple panels.
Comic strips, also known as “cartoon strips” in the United Kingdom, are found daily in newspapers worldwide, and are usually a short series of cartoon illustrations in sequence. In the United States they are not as commonly called “cartoons” themselves, but rather “comics” or “funnies“. Nonetheless, the creators of comic strips—as well as comic books and graphic novels—are usually referred to as “cartoonists“. Although humor is the most prevalent subject matter, adventure and drama are also represented in this medium.
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