Take this Mandatory Test to See If You’re Qualified to Vote

Take this Mandatory Test to See If You’re Qualified to Vote

Fast on the heels of the Trump jury pool questionnaire is the 1st Mandatory Test for voting, to root out those who shouldn’t! That’s right! Don’t worry about … Read more

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up: A Mr. Pecker at a Porn Star Trial!

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up: A Mr. Pecker at a Porn Star Trial!

Yes, it’s Trump’s Porn Star Trial, where femme fatale Stormy Daniels gets the last laugh & last Tango on ‘Dancing with the Stars!’ Yes, there is a Mr. … Read more

Trump Has ‘$500 Million in Cash,’ Sends Lawyers on ‘Easter Ego Hunt’ to Find It!

Trump Has ‘$500 Million in Cash,’ Sends Lawyers on ‘Easter Ego Hunt’ to Find It!

Trump claims he has 500 million dollars in cash – now he wants you to find it! Trump’s playing cat & mouse with his lawyers & trying the … Read more

Short on Cash, Mar-a-Lago Dinner Parties Go Bare Bones!

Short on Cash, Mar-a-Lago Dinner Parties Go Bare Bones!

Donald Trump is cutting back on the Steak & Ice Cream at his Mar-a-Lago dinner parties. Remember Trump’s fancy Dinner Parties at Mar-a-Lago where he served his “beautiful … Read more

Katie Britt: New Cooking Show a Big Hit with Passive Aggressives

Katie Britt: New Cooking Show a Big Hit with Passive Aggressives

Cooking tips from a new TV Show starring Senator Katie Britt makes you want to whip someone (I mean, something) up! If you watched President Biden’s ‘Cognitive Test’ … Read more

Trump Screams in the Night after Watching Biden Get Laughs, Cheers & VOTES!

Trump Screams in the Night after Watching Biden Get Laughs, Cheers & VOTES!

After watching President Joe Biden’s bitchin’ State of the Union Address, Trump screams, has nightmares! Mar-a-Lago, 3 o’clock in the morning, jolting awake, Donald Trump screams. MELANIA Wake … Read more
