Humor Times Authors and Cartoonists
Here's a list of authors and cartoonists for the Humor Times.
- Adam Barsouk
Adam Barsouk is an accelerated student of medicine and health policy at the Jefferson Medical College. He was a writer for the Penn State student newspaper and satirical newspaper, and also frequently contributes to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, the Centre Daily Times, and the Jewish Chronicle. Adam speaks 6 languages,... (full bio) - Alexander Vosh
Alexander Vosh has lived in Rhode Island for all of his life, but is often asked where he grew up by other Rhode Islanders due to his lack of the state's R-optional accent - which will make an appearance on occasion, usually when Vosh is annoyed. Vosh is also highly... (full bio) - Andrea Bock
Andrea Bock is a piano teacher and a former hospice caregiver who lives in a lovely suburb in Ohio. She has a passion for cats, plants and stargazing. - Andrew Gillespie
Andrew Gillespie is an actor, writer, comedian and filmmaker based in NYC. He is the co-host of the podcast Od-Cast-Pay, co-creator, director, and star of the comedic mystery series Filthy Rich on YouTube, and is repped by Stewart Talent. (Instagram) - Andy Marlette
Born and raised by underpaid public school teachers in Sanford, Fla., Andy Marlette graduated from the University of Florida and became staff editorial cartoonist at the Pensacola News Journal in 2007. Marlette received a priceless editorial cartoon education while living with his uncle and Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Doug Marlette in... (full bio) - Argus Hamilton
Argus Hamilton is the man Robin Williams once called "the Will Rogers of the Baby Boom." Argus' daily column of jokes on the news, now carried in over 100 newspapers across the United States, including the Humor Times, is also read and heard by millions on the Internet and on... (full bio) - Ben Krull
Ben Krull is a Family Law attorney in New York and a freelance writer. His essays have appeared in The New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and other publications. - Bernd Wahlbrinck
Bernd Wahlbrinck is a former English teacher; he lives in Rheine in northwest Germany. He writes books, e.g. "The Time Machine, or Getting Rid of Donald Trump - An Anthology of Science Fiction Stories", "WITNESS Revisited: An Appreciation of Peter Weir’s Famous Film", "Jim Jarmusch’s NIGHT ON EARTH: The New... (full bio) - Bill Tope
Bill Tope is a retired (caseworker, cook, construction worker, nude model for art classes, and so on) who lives with his mean little cat Baby. - Bob Eckstein
Bob Eckstein is a NY Times bestseller and world’s only snowman expert. His new book is The Complete Book of Cat Names (That Your Cat Won't Answer to, Anyway). - Candy Schulman
Candy Schulman is a nationally recognized writer, professor and college essay coach. She has published hundreds of personal essays, humor pieces, and articles in leading print and online publications. - Caoilinn Hughes
Caoilinn Hughes' first novel, ORCHID & THE WASP, is forthcoming from Hogarth in the spring of 2018. She has published comedy in The Rumpus, poetry in POETRY and in book form & fiction in Tin House. Currently Visiting Writer at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, she is represented by Bill... (full bio) - Caryl Avery
Caryl Avery is a copywriter, poet, lyricist, and award-winning journalist whose articles have appeared in more than 20 consumer magazines, including Vogue, New York, and Reader's Digest. Her light verse has been featured in Light Quarterly, Gastronomica, Alimentum,, and anthologized in More Women's Wicked Wit. She authored the irreverent... (full bio) - Chris Britt
Chris Britt's political cartoons are sometimes controversial, often outrageous and always thought-provoking. His take-no-prisoners style has been entertaining readers since 1991. A self-described liberal, Britt nevertheless delights in skewering deserving politicians of every persuasion. His numerous awards include first place for editorial cartooning from the Washington Press Association in 1995,... (full bio) - Chris O'Leary
Chris O'Leary has been a working stand-up comic since 1990 and has worked with the best comics in the country, who are all far more talented than he is. He's a published author with Kitchen Sink Press, he's written for Shtick City Magazine, PolitiPod, and his jokes infrequently show up... (full bio) - Chuck Legge
Chuck Legge drew his first cartoon at about age 8, and has been trying to get it right ever since. (See Mr Legge's cartoons here, along with a more detailed bio.) He majored in English, Philosophy and Art at Arizona State University. In 1990, he became the editorial cartoonist for... (full bio) - Danny Tyree
Welcome to Tyrades! By Danny Tyree. Controversial author Harlan Ellison once described the work of Mr. Tyree as “wonkily extrapolative” and said his mind “works like a demented cuckoo clock.” Tyree generated a particular buzz on the Internet with his column spoofing real-life Christian nudist camps. A lifelong small-town southerner,... (full bio) - Dave Henry
Dave’s work has appeared in various publications including End of the Bench, Robot Butt, and The Spoof, as well as many unfunny outlets. He also sometimes refers to himself in the third person. - Dave Richards
Dave Richards is a writer from Las Vegas. In his spare time, he enjoys messing with HR Bots by optimizing keywords on Linkedin. - David Martin
Dave's political satire and short humor have appeared in most major North American newspapers. He is also the author of several humor collections including "Dare to be Average", "Screams & Whispers" and "King Donald I" available on Amazon. - David Suter
Dave Suter is an essayist and social commentator specializing in translating the shadows on the walls of Plato’s cave into editorial prose. He lives in Ohio where he watches a vast mountain of essays and unpaid bills not resolve itself into the Great American Novel─or a paycheck. - David Wollman
David Wollman lives north of the border. No, not that border. The other one. Canada. (sighs) He uses his keyboard in the struggle to give voice to those who speak goof to power, and remind us all that it takes a village to raise an idiot. David's new screenplay is... (full bio) - Dean Kaner
Dean B. Kaner is a playwright and screenwriter, having co-produced and co-written plays for the stage with performances in New York City, Chicago, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Boston, Detroit, Phoenix and Memphis. Check out The Jerry Duncan Show on YouTube, as well as on Instagram, and the sketch comedy A Bit... (full bio) - Dennis Rohatyn
Dennis Rohatyn is a recovering philosopher who hibernates in Southern California. He writes about the inhuman condition, as he peers out from inside his lonely cave. - Dennis Wobber
Dennis Wobber is a retired structural engineer. He is also a long-time admirer of Art Hoppe, the satirical columnist who wrote for the SF Chronicle for more than 40 years. - Derek Postlewaite
Derek lives in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania with his wife, daughter and washing machine spinning in the background. - Diane de Anda
Diane de Anda is a third generation Latina and retired UCLA professor. Tired of cranking out technical articles in a "publish or perish" atmosphere, she now spends most of her time writing adult fiction, children's books, parody, and satire. Her weapon of choice is the limerick, aimed with humor and... (full bio) - Ed O'Neill
Ed O'Neill is a New Jersey native that watches the world but rarely participates. He has authored several well-received product reviews on Amazon, including "Colby's Lemon-scented antibiotic bunion salve" and "Chan's zen-infused mostly natural plant food spikes". He's fluent in both English and Gibberish. He's in Little Old Lady Comedy,... (full bio) - Ed Toolis
Ed Toolis is a Chicago humor writer and author of Humor, Comedy & Sketch Writing and There's an App for That, Books 1.1 and 2.0. Available on Amazon. - Eileen McVety
Eileen McVety is a marketing/communications writer and author of the humor book Welcome to the Company (or what it’s really like working here). Her fiction and creative nonfiction have appeared in such publications as Tiny Lights, Chicago Tribune, and Minetta Review. Eileen lives and works in suburban Philadelphia. - Eric Green
Eric Green has Donald Trump to thank for a number of his satirical articles. As long as The Donald is around, Eric will continue to have new material to write about him. Eric finds writing satire a welcome escape from the realities of life. When he’s not trying to be... (full bio) - Evan Helmlinger
A writer by trade and a wisecracker by necessity, Evan relies on a well-timed joke to get him out of awkward situations, traffic tickets, and the occasional hostage crisis. - Gary Chew
Gary Chew was a classical music host, programmer and producer on Capital Public Radio’s KXPR 88.9FM, Sacramento for 18 years. He retired in January 2007. Read more about Gary's long and storied career here. - Hala Dika
Hala Dika is an impoverished poet living in her parent's basement. Slowly losing all concept of money, she lives in a delusion of happiness. She hopes one day to be recognized posthumously. - Howard R. Wolf
Howard R. Wolf is Emeritus Professor of English and Senior Fellow at SUNY-Buffalo and the author of three memoirs, a novel (Broadway Serenade), personal essays, and many short stories. A Fulbright Scholar in Turkey and South Africa, he is now putting together a collection of stories, EXILES BY STARLIGHT, and... (full bio) - Howard Zaharoff
Howard Zaharoff reads (a lot), writes (mostly humor), teaches (occasionally) and practices law (doesn't everyone?). He is the author of "Stump Your Lawyer!" (Chronicle 2007), and his work has appeared in The Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal, Amazing Stories, Computerworld, The Journal of Irreproducible Results, The Annals of Improbable Research... (full bio) - J Crock
J Crock is a veteran newsman with over 50 years experience who doesn't understand why his serious attempts at reporting the news keep winding up on the comedy section of this publication. He spends his days imploring the editors to cease making a mockery of his craft, his nights filled... (full bio) - J.C. Lanzer
J.C. Lanzer is a journalism student who dabbles in humor writing. His work has appeared in Capitol Letters, the King's Journal, DCTRENDING Magazine, Roar News, and 365tomorrows. You can find all his humor writing on his Substack: The Capitol Jester. - JC Wade
J. Wade is a retired Chief Financial Officer from Missouri. He has had humor articles published in the Humor Times, USA Today, The Journal of Irreproducible Results and Unhinged Magazine, which is now defunct (not his fault). - Jeff Boldt
Jeff Boldt is an English teacher living in China and the writer and editor of Iron E-News, a website dedicated to that ever-abiding alternate bizarro world -- at times all too closely mirroring our own. - Jeff Cahlon
Jeff Cahlon is an attorney and writer in New York. He writes political and social commentary and satire. Jeff has written over 40 articles that have been published on over a dozen different websites, including several leading humor/satire websites. Jeff has been named a "Top Writer in Satire" on Medium. - Jennifer Hollie Bowles
Jennifer Hollie Bowles is a writer and small business owner. She has been studying Astrology for about twenty years, but she finds limiting it to sun signs quite humorous. - Jerry Hirsch
Jerry Hirsch is professor emeritus of history at Truman State University in Kirksville, where he pursues research on American cultural history. He wrote "Portrait of America: The Federal Writers’ Project and American Culture" (2003). Jerry left Chicago after high school and hasn’t been back except to visit. Nevertheless he has... (full bio) - Jerry Robbins
Jerry Robbins is a graduate of Gettysburg College, Yale University Divinity School and the Hartford Seminary Foundation, where he earned a Ph.D. He is the editor of The Essential Luther (Baker) and the author of Carevision (Judson) and Provocables (C.S.S.). Jerry has published several articles and over 100 book reviews... (full bio) - Jim Hightower
National radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and author of the book, "Swim Against The Current: Even A Dead Fish Can Go With The Flow," Jim Hightower has spent three decades battling the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought To Be - consumers, working families, environmentalists, small... (full bio) - Joel Goodman
Joel is a native New Yorker, now settled in Tennessee. His published novel, "Dance with the Shadow Machine," is a dystopian story of a society controlled by a computerized banking system. He is completing two non-fiction works, "Solutions for a Naked Country," a rambling perspective on America with solutions for... (full bio) - Joey Long
Joey Long’s credits include the independent projects "Caught" (2015) and "I’m Sorry." Long can be seen performing stand-up around the Los Angeles area in notable venues such as The Hollywood Improv, Flappers in Burbank, the HaHa Café and The Comedy Store. He has also written and directed. - John Deering
John Deering is chief editorial cartoonist for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state's largest newspaper. Five times a week, his cartoon comments entertain (or sometimes enrage) readers throughout Arkansas, in Washington, D.C., and across the country. Winner of the National Press Foundation's 1997 Berryman Award, Deering also gained top honors in the... (full bio) - John Glynn
John Glynn is an Irishman, a lover of Guinness and a potato connoisseur. An expert in the area of mediocrity, he one day hopes to own a decent coffee maker and visit SeaWorld Orlando. - John LaTorre
Over the last forty-some years, John LaTorre has been a health inspector, educator, hang gliding instructor, sailmaker and tentmaker. Now he's a free-lance writer with too much time on his hands. - Johnny Robish
Johnny Robish is an actor, comedian and political satirist - who is considered one of America’s most trusted sources for fake news. - Jonathan Ferguson
In recovery... From a lot of things! Always glad to post here. - Ken Catalino
Ken Catalino is a conservative cartoonist but understands that no political party owns the patent to understanding, tolerance and all things logical. In addition to political cartoons for Creators Syndicate, Catalino has also provided cartoons to other publications and media outlets such as CNN, Playboy, Readers Digest, Messenger Post Newspapers,... (full bio) - Kristopher Wood
Kristopher Michael Wood is a humorist and political commentator. His work has appeared in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, The American Bystander and Points in Case. In a past life, he worked as a lighting programmer for The Late Show with David Letterman and as a roadie for Radiohead, Elton John and... (full bio) - Larry Dell
Larry Dell is a writer, artist and former public relations executive. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and currently resides in East Orange, NJ. Previously, he was the arts and entertainment reporter for "The Local," a NY Times website covering several northern N.J. towns. - Lawrence Millman
Lawrence Millman is the author of 21 books, including such titles as Last Places, Our Like Will Not Be There Again, At the End of the World, Fungipedia, The Last Speaker of Bear, Goodbye Ice, and — most recently – Outsider. Shop for his books at Thrift Books and other... (full bio) - Lee Mays
Comedian, satirist, comedy writer. Founder of The Heathens of Comedy Tour. - Lesley Leben
Lesley Green Leben is a humorist and writer. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and Literature from Stony Brook University. Her articles have been published by Dan’s Paper and numerous online websites such as More, Grand Piano Passion and Medium. She enjoys playing the flute, writing and all forms... (full bio) - Liane Kupferberg Carter
Liane Kupferberg Carter’s work has appeared in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, Babble, Parents, and Skirt. She blogs for the Huffington Post. - Marilyn Sands
Marilyn Sands is a former 80's Stand-Up Comic & Comic Booker. Sold Jokes to Joan Rivers & lesser lights. Was up one night & wrote 2 Madcap Screenplays & a Stage Play. Her hilarious book "CAN YOU PEE OUTDOORS" On-Line Dating Straight Lines is on And, "OWNING THE STAGE,... (full bio) - Marshall Ramsey
Cartooning whiz kid Marshall Ramsey began drawing when his mother, an art teacher, gave him a pencil and a piece of paper to keep him quiet in church. Those early doodlings eventually evolved into the slightly warped but right on target cartoons that Ramsey has been creating since 1994. Full of biting wit,... (full bio) - Mary Lago
Mary Lago is a resident of Palm Beach, Florida. She may be rented for $200,000 a night. - Matt Nagin
Matt Nagin is a writer, educator, actor, filmmaker, and standup comedian. In December 2019, Matt's humor book, "Do Not Feed The Clown" was published by Tenth Street Press, and, since then, has obtained excellent reviews. In 2018, Matt's poem, "If We Are Doomed," won The Spirit First Editor's Choice Award,... (full bio) - Matt Rotman
Matt Rotman is a writer and comic. His work has been featured in National Lampoon, Modern Times Magazine, Diabolique Magazine, The New Southerner, Marathon Literary Review, and the anthologies, [Ex]tinguished & [Ex]tinct: An Anthology of Things That No Longer [Ex]ist (Twelve Winters Press) and Puff Puff Prose, Poetry and a... (full bio) - Michael Egan
Michael was born in South Africa at the height of the apartheid era He quickly became involved in the underground resistance movement, knew Nelson Mandela and other prominent revolutionaries, some of whom later moved into privileged positions formerly occupied by whites. After several exciting escapes, he was forced to flee... (full bio) - Michael Larson
Michael Larson is newly minted Texan. He is a retired teacher, current university librarian, and a future 'great American' author. - Mike Kelly
A writer, hack if you wish to have the true definition, who enjoys putting the weird thoughts that run through my mind to words. I mostly enjoy writing about things political, but for variety will occasionally post something else. - Mike Luckovich
Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Constitution received two amazing honors in 2006, winning both a Pulitzer Prize and the Reuben award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the Year. This was the second Pulitzer for Luckovich; his first was awarded in 1995. He had previously received the Reuben award for Editorial Cartooning... (full bio) - Molly McCaffrey
Molly McCaffrey is the author of You Belong to Us and How to Survive Graduate School & Other Disasters and is a contributor, most recently, to The Independent, Psychology Today, USA Today, Medium, The Haven and the Louisville Courier-Journal. Last year her satirical piece on arming school teachers in The... (full bio) - Nancy Freiberg
Nancy Freiberg has been a writer and editor for more than 25 years. Her humorous stories have been published in the New York Times, the Funny Times, and of course, the Humor Times. - Otto Controle
Otto Controle is a fearless satirist, writer, and cultural critic who takes on politics with razor-sharp wit and relentless sarcasm. With a background spanning the arts, public service, and humanitarian work, Otto blends insight and humor to expose hypocrisy and challenge the status quo. Whether skewering the powerful or stirring... (full bio) - Patrick Lawlor
Patrick Lawlor is a writer and comedian from New Jersey. He studied improv and sketch comedy writing at the Upright Citizens Brigade in New York. - Paul Lander
Paul Lander is not sure which he is proudest of -- winning the Noble Peace Prize or sending Congolese gynecologist Dr. Denis Mukwege to accept it on his behalf, bringing to light the plight of African women in war-torn countries. In his non-daydreaming hours, Paul has written for Weekly Humorist,... (full bio) - R.C. Harvey
R. C. Harvey, pictured here with his signature rabbit (Harvey the rabbit), is a onetime cartoonist and all-time comics chronicler, critic, and all-around cheerleader for the art of cartooning. Cartooning is the visual-verbal art form, the pictorial blending of word and image, verbiage and pictures, which, together, conjure meanings neither... (full bio) - Ralph Lombard
I was born a young baby. Then I grew up. Then I grew confused. Then I grew tired. I'm a 20th century man who's somehow been transported to the 21st century, with one foot in the gone past and the other in the here now. I started my blog mymanymoodsofme... (full bio) - Ramu Nunna
Ramu Nunna is a screenwriter from India, a cinephile, a comedy monger, a wanderer. He writes comedy and fiction with thought-provoking themes, and is co-writer on the movie Vishwak. And he's a little bit weird, just a little bit. - Richard Klin
Richard Klin is a writer based in New York's Hudson Valley. His novel, Petroleum Transfer Engineer, was published by Underground Voices. He also wrote Something to Say (Leapfrog Press), a series of profiles of various artists discussing the intersection of art and politics, and Abstract Expressionism for Beginners. His work... (full bio) - Rick Blum
Rick Blum has been writing humorous prose and poetry for more than 25 years during stints as a nightclub owner, high-tech manager, market research mogul and, most recently, alter kaker. Currently, he is holed up in his Massachusetts office trying to pen the perfect bio, which he plans to share... (full bio) - Rod Bartchy
Rod Bartchy lives in Philadelphia, where he writes humor essays, tutors kindergarten and plays Scrabble to excess. His work has appeared in the Broad Street Review, The Chestnut Hill Local, Humor Outcasts, True Humor, The Short Humor Site and the Humor Times. - Roger Freed
rfreed has a fertile, if somewhat warped, imagination. Read him at your own risk! More laugh gaffes available at Semi-Humorous Humor !!!!! Buy 'The Alaska Papers' from Only $10 !!!!! An almost funny publication! - Romebird
Romebird is a closet poet, cautiously dipping a toe in satire, an easily distracted yet devoted mother and wife, and a life-long student because apparently, "Career A.D.D" is a thing. - Ron Keith
Ron Keith lives in Washington, DC. He freelances, mostly writing on renewable energy, technology, gaming, and anything else he feels a passion for. He plans to spend the Trump years in a fetal position and learning what an emolument is. - Roz Warren
Roz Warren Roz is the author of Just Another Day At Your Local Public Library and Our Bodies, Our Shelves: A Collection Of Library Humor. She writes for The New York Times and The Funny Times. Her work also appears in Good Housekeeping, The Christian Science Monitor, The Philadelphia Inquirer... (full bio) - Sal Kingfisher
Founder, Editor in Chief of Broken World News. Before the Other Guys Break the News, We've Already Broken It - Sly Mockery
Sly Mockery is one voice vying for frequency room at the top of the opinion dial. Angered and bewildered by many of today’s events, Mockery uses humor as a tool to fight an onslaught of stupidity and ignorance that seems to permeate the airwaves and pollute the sensitivities of a... (full bio) - Stacia Friedman
Gypsy journalist specializing in humor, essays, features and comedic novels. My work appears in,,,, NY Times Boomer Blog, Womens VoicesforChange, My novels Tender is the Brisket and Nothing Toulouse are available on Amazon. - Stanford Chandler
Stanford Chandler began writing when his parents gave him an Underwood Portable typewriter for his 8th birthday, the machine he still uses to this day. He has written for dozens of papers, including The New York Enquirer, Manchester Guardian, Mainichi Daily News and the Humor Times. His work with cartoonists... (full bio) - Stephen Barone
Stephen Barone lives in Milwaukie, OR. When he isn't writing, he works as a special education teacher. His work has been featured in The Hunger Journal, Wilderness House Literary Review, the Commonline Journal and others. - Stephen Carmickle
Stephen Carmickle is a freelance photographer from Michigan who’s now resorting on his own death to be that big marketing push he always needed to finally sell some art. - Steve Schneider
Steve Schneider lives in Florida. Retired, he sometimes gets a good laugh following a few authoritarian politicians who call the Sunshine State home. - Stubhill News
Contributed by Stubhill News: News you can read! Check 'em out at - Ted Holland
Ted holland attended college for four years. The year that he bothered to go to class he studied history. He majored in throwing quarters in the jukebox in the Student Union canteen and minored in a girl named Marsha. His books include This Day In African American Music and B... (full bio) - The Town Scryer
The Town Scryer is a mixed bag of humor, socio-political observations and ephemera from the perspective of a eclectic Pagan veteran of the counter-culture. Philip Posehn's main blog is at The Town Scryer. - Tim Mollen
Buy your copy of "Lost Journal - the Book" at Each Lost Journal column is a journal entry written in retrospect. In other words, Mollen chooses a different day from his past, and writes about it as though it were today. The date may be last week, Halloween 1980,... (full bio) - Tina Dupuy
Tina Dupuy was born into a splinter religious sect so fringe, it makes normal cult apologists shudder. She's rebelled by not having an alias, reading books and paying taxes. Sometimes an anti-social commentator, sometimes a comedian and always a wedge issue enthusiast, Tina is currently the editor-in-chief at SoapBlox. She... (full bio) - Tom Ballard
Tom Ballard is the author of two novels, The Last Quack and The President is Down (“Best novel I’ve read in decades” -- Mark Twain), as well as the screenplay, Eco-Agent Man, and the stage plays, Get to Know Your Duck and Romeo and Juliet: The Later Years. He lives... (full bio) - Victoria Millard
Seattle resident Victoria Millard writes poetry, humor, essays and memoir. She wrote/performed in 10 stage comedies and created medical parody/physical comedy as hospital clown. - Walter Bowne
Walter Bowne is a writer of humor, creative nonfiction, essays, and literary fiction. He enjoys taking commas out and placing them back in again. - Will Durst
The New York Times says Emmy-nominated comedian and writer Will Durst “is quite possibly the best political satirist working in the country today.” The Humor Times says "Durst is the Sage of Satire, the Learned Lampooner, the King of Political Satire!" Check his website for upcoming stand-up performance dates. Will's... (full bio) - William Vaillancourt
William Vaillancourt's humor writing has appeared in Robot Butt, The Weekly Humorist & How Pants Work, among other places. Coincidentally, it has not appeared in other places as well. - Wriley Nelson
Wriley Nelson is a lifelong Upstate New York resident, bookworm and writer. He wrote for the satirical publication "The Duel Observer" during his time at Hamilton College.
- Al Goodwyn
Al Goodwyn is an award-winning editorial cartoonist. His work has appeared in numerous newspapers, magazines, books, and websites including the Washington Post, the Washington Times and the Washington Examiner. - Allen Purkapile
Throughout the years I have always done some kind of artwork. Nothing too serious. A series of shoulder operations changed the way I use my arms. To help in the rehab I decided to start drawing again. I have been drawing with serious daughters say, "Dad your work is an... (full bio) - Andrea Beizer
Andrea Beizer is a Philadelphia based artist, cartoonist, architect and college professor. Her strip, titled "Alice at Alice Cartoons ," features a character who is trying to cope as an individual within a complex, modern society. - Bill Harvey
Bill Harvey discovered superhero comic books around age six, and from then on knew what he wanted to do in life. He works as a technician in the Detroit area. - Dan Alba
Humor is what sustains Dan Alba during these unprecedented times we are all living through. After 40 years as an educator, Dan has the luxury of time to pursue his childhood dreams. Cartooning is an opportunity to merge formal education and teaching of history, political science and human behavior with... (full bio) - Dan Piraro
Follow Dan Piraro's blog. - Daniel Medina
Daniel Medina is an internationally published editorial cartoonist and is currently the staff editorial cartoonist for Matt Taibbi's news publication, TK News (soon to be rebranded to Racket). Daniel's cartoons branch off the historical narrative History From Below. Daniel's cartoons stand firmly against racism, xenophobia, hate, bigotry, and ignorance using... (full bio) - ED
ED is a comic artist, illustrator and architect based in Toronto, Canada. - Harley Schwadron
Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Harley Schwadron is a free lance cartoonist and illustrator for magazines and newspapers, large and small. He has also done hundreds of illustrations for books, magazines, op-ed pages and newsletters. After 20 years as a writer and editor he switched to full-time cartooning in l985.... (full bio) - Henry Lee
Chicks ? Politics. Politics can be divisive, but with these baby birds, all eggs are on the table. Chirp chirp ??? Say hi: [email protected] - Hoss
Hoss (John Taylor Jr.) is a cartoonist in Hebron, Maryland. He graduated from Salisbury University with a 2D illustration Bachelor of Arts degree in 2016, and currently lives in Hebron with his wife, Caitlin, and daughter Sophia. Hoss has been published in various online and printed publications. Follow Hoss on... (full bio) - Jason Coe and Hugo Camacho
Cartoons by Jason Coe & Hugo Camacho. - Joe Heller
Joe Heller was the staff editorial cartoonist for the Green Bay Press-Gazette from 1985 to 2013. Currently on his own, Joe’s cartoons appear in more than 400 publications, making him the most self-syndicated cartoonist in the nation. - John Anglin
John Anglin is a gag cartoonist living in Chicago, IL. Drawing on experience working at zoos and nature centers, his cartoons feature lots of animals -- in planes, in offices, doing things animals aren't supposed to be doing. - John Gill
John Gill creates sagacious cartoons featuring his stylized art, accompanied with clever captions, and refreshingly topped off with a dash of the profound. Gill's witty work makes for a worthwhile journey of the mind and psyche -- it's a curious journey that brilliantly bounces between the conscious and subconscious realms... (full bio) - John Stinger
John Stinger’s weekly cartoons were syndicated in the military worldwide via the Stars and Stripes where he was voted Top Military Cartoonist for three years by the Department of Defense. He sold his first cartoon to a national publication as a teen and was recognized with a national award by... (full bio) - Jon Carter
Being born on April Fool's day was a sure sign Jon Carter would be doing something funny. At 18 he landed his first regular freelance job as cartoonist for a local weekly newspaper and he's been working neurotically on them ever since. - Jon Tollervey
Hello, my name’s Jon ...and I’ve just finished my PhD after following my head into academia, although sometimes I wish I’d listened to my heart and stuck with the cartoons! However, I have a dream (I’m sure I’ve heard that line somewhere before) and that’s to find a job where... (full bio) - Josh Zepess
Josh Zepess is a speaker, writer, poet, and comedian (not the funny kind) who escaped the rat race in order to inspire people to think, create, and achieve true Freedom. - Laura Yang
Yin + Yangster was officially launched in 2015 and started off as a single panel cartoon strip inspired by Gary Larson's The Far Side. In 2016, the strip was published in a local newspaper before going online at www.yangstercomics where it permanently resides today. Due to the increased demands of... (full bio) - Mark Lynch
Mark Lynch brings you a unique brand of humor through the genre of panel cartoons. An Australian cartoonist, he was born sometime during the last century. His panel cartoons won 48 international and Australian awards, including National Cartoon of the Year (twice). - Mark Stivers
Mark Stivers has had cartoons in Utne Reader, Harper's, San Francisco Bay Guardian, Funny Times, Forbes, The Daily Forward, as well as the Humor Times and many other publications. The Sacramento News & Review has published more than any other, including several covers and many illustrations. He lives in Sacramento,... (full bio) - Marko Kosonen
Marko Kosonen Scandinavian filmmaker and digital artist that creates satirical social media posts and selfies (iPHONEYS) that reflect the times we live in. - Michael Capozzola
Michael Capozzola is a San Francisco-based Stand Up Comedian and a published cartoonist. He’s contributed to The San Francisco Chronicle, National Lampoon, The New York Times, the Humor Times, McSweeney's and Mad Magazine. More info at - Mike Baldwin
"As a young teen I rode my bike each week to my grandfather’s farm, 20 miles away to help cut his acres of lawn – and earn ten bucks," says Mike Baldwin. "At the end of the day, I’d pore though his stack of old New Yorker magazines. I loved... (full bio) - R. G. Karkovský
True European citizen, R. G. Karkovsky is a photographer, director, designer, artist and writer. Apart from his creative work, he teaches visual communication and Belgian popular culture at several colleges. Sources indicate he is addicted to coffee and music. - Regi Taylor
Regi Taylor is an artist, sculptor, PR pro, former political aide, published poet, Congressional Record citation recipient, Newspaper op/ed-features writer/editor, author, WTC Site Memorial competitor, Happily married father of four. - Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers is the award-winning editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. His cartoons have been vexing and entertaining readers in Pittsburgh since 1984. - Robert Waldo Brunelle JR
I am a Vermont, painter, book illustrator, kinetic sculptor, retired art teacher and political cartoonist. My strip Mr Brunelle Explains It All appears weekly in Seven Days VT, and monthly in Funny Times and on this site. - Ruben Bolling
Tom the Dancing Bug is the weekly comic strip by Ruben Bolling, appearing in fine newspapers and websites around the world, featuring insightful and hilarious social and political satire. - Tom Toles
Thomas Gregory Toles (born October 22, 1951) is an American political cartoonist. He is the winner of the 1990 Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning. - Tony Rubino & Rich Hedden
Avante Gauche Comics by Tony Rubino & Rich Hedden: Read one and it stays with you for days -- like a fungus or rash -- only funnier. In addition to the comic panel "Avant Gauche," Tony writes the daily cartoon strip "Daddy's Home," distributed by Creator's Syndicate. He has contributed... (full bio) - Tony Zuvela
Tony Zuvela was born way back in the crazy, far out, groovy sixties; ’62 in fact… He currently lives with the four people inside his head, somewhere in Australia. His Hobbies are Arthritis and Medication. In 2004 he decided to give cartooning a full-time red-hot go (the silly fool!), and... (full bio) - William Lockett
I am a retired Human SDeervices professional with a BFA Degree in Art Education from The Maryland Institute College of Art.